Chapter Two: Louis' Discovery

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Chapter 2: Louis' Discovery

I flutter my eyes open, looking at Hannah's spot in bed, and frown. I usually wake up before her, maybe she decided she couldn't sleep in the same bed as me or maybe she just had one of her many sleepless nights. Has she slept lately? I don't even know the answer to that question, she hasn't slept beside me. I'm an awful husband, I sigh. Maybe that's the cause of all this, her sleep deprivation. Tomorrow I'll make her tea before bed and make she gets to sleep earlier. That's a good plan and how about I make her breakfast this week. I nod to myself and sit up, patting the spot next to me. Cold. She hasn't been here in a few hours.

I step out of bed and check the bathroom. Nope, not there and she hasn't showered this morning. Okay, next is Bella's room, when Hannah can't sleep sometimes she likes to go be with Bella. I peek into his room to see Bella sound asleep and alone. Lastly, I check the kitchen. "Babe?" No coffee smell, no breakfast smell, that's weird. I step into the kitchen and see her ring. My heart stops. "No," I whisper to myself. I shake my head as I quickly grab the letter, allowing the ring to fall to the ground.

I throw myself in the chair and rub my face, "This is just a bad dream. This isn't happening. I'm going to wake up and she's still going to be here." I take a deep breath, "Bella is going to wake up soon, you can't let her see you upset." I wipe my eyes and stand up, only to sit back down again. "What am I going to tell Isabella? Do I really want to read the letter? She left her ring, what else could the letter say? It's over, what more do you need to say? Breakfast. I need breakfast. I need to make breakfast for Bella. First, I need to stop talking to myself."

While cooking eggs, I zone out. I start thinking of all the memories she and I share. We've been through so much, how can she just leave? She really didn't love me. She was only with me because of Isabella. She never loved me at all. Everything we did for each other. It was all just a scam. I start to tear up but I snap myself out of it. I'm mad at sad at the same time. I'm so confused.


I shake my head, almost violently, and look down. "Oh, hi baby girl. How- Oh shit! The eggs." I turn the stove off, trash the burnt eggs, and put the pan in the sink with cold water. "Well, that didn't work out." I pick up Bella and hold her close to me. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, it smells bad in here now. I was calling your name and you didn't answer me. Were you ignoring me?"

"No! Of course not! I would never ignore you, Bella. I just was caught up in a thought and that's why I forgot the eggs and didn't reply."

"Your eyes are all red, are you feeling okay? Let me go get my doctor kit and give you a check up."

"How about after breakfast? If I'm not feeling any better I'll come receive a check up from Doctor Isabella Tomlinson."

"Okay Daddy, but what's for breakfast? The eggs are in the trash."

"Frozen waffles that we can microwave."

"I don't like those. Mommy makes the best waffles."

"Mommy isn't here to make waffles though."

"Where is mommy? I want to tell her about yesterday with Grandma Johannah."

"She's," I pause and bite my lip, "not going to be home for awhile. She went away on a trip, for business. She had to go away for business."

"Oh, why didn't she tell me?"

"She didn't know till this morning. She left us a note."

"Is that the note?" she points to the letter and squirms out of my arms. I nod as she climbs up on the tall chair grabbing the note. I know she can't read it all so I give her the benefit of the doubt and let her stare at the pieces of paper. "'Mi Amor,' Mommy told me that means 'My Love.'" I nod as he continues to stare, "That's my name." She points at the paper, "Daddy, will you read what Mommy said?"

I scan the writing as I'm close to tears. I clear my throat and start to speak. "My Love, I'm going away for a bit. I don't know how long I'll be gone; I just received a call early in the morning saying that they needed me to go to Los Angeles. Tell Isabella that I love her and that she can call me when she wakes up. She probably wants my homemade waffles. Tell her that I made some yesterday and put them in the freezer." I suddenly stop.

"Daddy? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I lean against the counter and squeeze my eyes shut. "Daddy, don't worry. She'll be back soon." She runs and grabs the phone and dials her number. "Hi Mommy!"

"Isabella Marie, no."

"It's okay Daddy, you can talk to her and it will make you happy!"

I shake my head, "You talk to her."

"Mommy, Daddy's crying. Your note made him sad. He wants you to come home from your trip." I can hear Hannah start to talk, but I can't make out what she was saying, "Thank you for the waffles. Who is picking me up from school tomorrow?"

"I will." I blurt.

"But you have work."

"I'll come get you."

"Mommy says to ask if Auntie Lottie can pick me up," I sigh and nod. "I love you too, Mommy. Can I talk to you before bed? Okay, bye bye."

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