Douchebag// Wendy x Reader 1

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3rd person:
You and Stan had always been rivals ever since he found out you like Wendy. The reason this effect your relation ship with Stan was that he liked Wendy too. Because you both liked her you both tried to compete on who impressed her or even made her laugh. You also bullied each other.

Y/N pov
Last period, this is usually where Stan waits outside my class to shove me down. I should hide with the crowd, that has worked countless times.
I got squished with the rest of the tall 9th graders. Disappearing from sight. As we all walked out Stan wasn't there. Wait, he might be hanging out at Wendy Testaburger's locker more so going to be Wendy (l/n) (last name)'s locker. I chuckled at my little joke and ran to her locker. He wasn't there, she was though I smiled knowing slutty Stan wasn't at her locker today. I walked up to her locker as she noticed my presence she stared up I stared into her beautiful orbs but, then knocking the lights out of my dream someone shoved me down.

S l u t t y S t a n .

At lighting speed I swung Wendy around making sure she didn't fall and just me AS I fall to the ground scraping my elbows. "STAN!" I hear the beautiful girl yell. "Yes Wendy?" Stan said using his manners only in front of her. "Don't do that and I know you are bullying Y/N!" Wendy boomed her voice echoing the halls. Stan flinched he couldn't hide it. Because it was true. "Stan, I know you like me Cartman told me. And I know y/n likes me to. And you guys have been at each other's throats but I'm not dating a douchebag. I think you both know who douchebag is" Wendy explained. Me and Stan exchange looks we were worried. "D-Dovakiin?" Stan tried to joke. Wendy looked him in the eyes and walk away. I sighed knowing I was the douchebag. After 4 years of liking Wendy and fighting for her love. I give up. Stan could have her. She wasn't right for me anyways

Week later

Ever since that I've had these depression spikes I guess. They are like imaginations of Wendy rejecting me for Stan, and also how I might commit suicide..
"Y/N?" A voice said, "huh w-" I was cut off by my teacher Miss.Butt (idk ok?) our dumb ass math teacher. "Y/n! Don't fall in my class or you can get a huge fucking F on your assignments" she smirked. What an ass she was, nobody liked her. Everybody groaned or grunted they were so done with this teacher. Anyways, ever since that I've looked a lot worse I didn't cared on how I look. I didn't care on how much sleep I got. Nor did I care about homework and that bull shit. I was failing every class.

2 weeks later
Stan POV:

I sighed, Wendy rejected me I guess I was the asshole wasn't I? For at least a couple years I've always tried to impress her or even make her giggle. But I've never taken it into consideration that I've been putting my friends aside for her and bullying y/n just for Wendy. I have to make it up to Y/N and tell her the good news


I walked from Science Class with my grades quiz, An F of course I mean I'm just use to seeing them. As I kept walking to French Class looking down at my dirty soft brown boots I bump into a familiar pair of sneakers. Slutty Stan- I mean Stan? I looked up at him he had a sincere look on his face, is he trying to prank me or something? This won't work. "Hey y/n I have something to tell you" he smiled. I nodded not wanting to use my voice, "So, Wendy rejected me and I have now realized how much of a douchebag I've been to you and my friends, and I what to be your friend and make it up to you. And Wendy is yours y/n I'm the douchebag." He explained chuckling when he called himself 'douchebag'. I smiled to brim my cheeks hurt but I didn't care. I hugged Stan. "Thank you so much, I forgive you! And your not a douchebag now thanks for coming to terms dumbo!" I joked poking his cheeks. "So what do you need help with?" He asked smiling.

"Oh, I know" I said "i have a plan"

End of part one!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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