Dear You

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Dear You,

I've seen plenty of these around and I figured why not write to my future lover so they understand how much I truly love them.

I refer to you as "You" in spite of my lack of creativity. But nonetheless, I will give you everything. I may lack creativity and calmness but I think I can make you happy.

Once your in my arms, don't expect me to let go. I really hope your shorter than me so I can kiss the top of your head and carry you around places. I also hope you don't mind black eyes. See I didn't know if you knew this or not, but my name is not just demon. I am an actual demon from hell. Satan sent me to wreak havoc on fragile people, but your kind intrigues me.

I hope you have patience. I don't know a lot about you humans or your lifestyle. You'll have to teach me one day. Maybe you could teach me to read or write! Or perhaps teach me how to love again. Of course I'll love you, but being a demon doesn't allow me to feel love as often.

Do you mind smoking or drinking? I would hope not. I tend to do those things once my anger is rising or I'm frustrated. Maybe we can get high together and cuddle naked on the couch while watching Friends.

I'll write to you some other day, but for now I have to go.

I love you.


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