Dear You,

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Dear You,

I really wish I already had you right now. Today was the worse day ever and I just need you to make everything alright again.

Everyone leaves me. I need you to promise me something. Promise me you'll never leave me. I don't like being left behind. It reminds me of the monster I am.

I really hope you dislike people. Maybe we can make fun of people together. Or we could take their pictures and wish upon them Pandoras Box.

I really want you. I won't go looking for you because if I try to hard I may jinx myself. I can't risk that. I need you to come to me.

You may have to try to break down my protective barrier. I don't really trust anymore. Last time I trusted somebody they turned around and stabbed me multiple times in the heart. I was devastated. But I know you won't stab me. You instead would pinch me as a joke. And that pinch would turn into a play fight and eventually we would end up nude. But even then we wouldn't go any farther. We would just stare at each other and think 'How did I ever get so lucky with the most perfect person in the world'

You won't mind my thirst for blood, would you? I need it to survive in the human world but if it bothers you I'll stop. Even if I die, I would die full of love and happiness.

Maybe I'll be able to take you to the darkness with me! We could cuddle in my bed and listen to demon bands or watch demon street fights. Or maybe even watch DTV (demon tv). It's like what you humans watch, MTV, but for us it doesn't play those petty shows like 16 & Pregnant. It plays horror shows and movies. I would caress you every time you got scared and whisper in your ear how no one is going to hurt and how I'm here to protect you. I'll always protect you. You mean the world to me. If anyone hurts you, you have to promise to tell me so I can do worse to them. I hope you wouldn't feel pity on them. They deserve it. No?

Anyways, I wanted you to know how much I love and will always protect you.

I love you.


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