Dear You

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Dear You,

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I haven't found you yet. It's okay though. I'll wait for you. I'd wait a thousand years for you to come into my arms. Of course I would go crazy waiting for that long, but I would do it all for you.

Would you stop me from doing dumb things? I would hope so. Or else you might lose me forever. Demons can do anything humans can just better in a way.

I've learned to be careful with what I write in here. I didn't know my friends actually read them. I wanted to save these all for you. For your eyes only. I guess I'll leave them here for now. So everyone knows how much I love and need you.

I need you here already. I need a shoulder to cry on. Maybe someday we can take turns. You cry on mine and I'll cry on yours.

We would send each other crazy snapchats and laughs together at the faces we never knew we could make. We would post instagram pictures of each other every 5 seconds and watch our followers drop like flys. We would send sub-tweets about each other. I would make your ass my lock screen so I can tap that ass every time I look at my phone ;)

I would cook you anything you'd want to eat. You name it, I'll cook it. Point is, I'd feed you till your fat and still love you.

You know what they say, Real People Eat Cake (:

I love you.


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