The Other Snake

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Dear Diary, my grandmother sent me this as a present. I shall write a breakneck summary of my life until now. I was born February 27, 2009. I have long auburn hair and green eyes. My name is Molly Petunia Potter and I'm the youngest child of my family. My family is consistently of my mother, Ginny Weasley Potter; my father, Harry James Potter; my eldest brother, James Sirius Potter; my elder but middle child brother, Albus Severus Potter; and my older sister, Lily Luna Potter. I favor my elder brother, Albus for various reasons. My family mostly forgets about me in the shadows. I remember the last time my mother gave me pure attention. I was perhaps five? When we visit grandmother, I'm quite puerile in multifarious aspects. Most adolescents will cling to their parents or the family pet, but I've always remained cohere to Albus and my grandparents. I have no friends, and my cousin is such a snob. Hugo is at minimum acceptable in comparability to Rose. I've never met any other cousins if I have any. I love to read, write, and I'm very brisk in reading stars. Tomorrow is my first day as a Hogwarts student. This is the most attention I've received in ages, honestly. I'm using old books, of course, but I have to have my own cauldron and so forth. I can only hope I'm away from Lily and James in Gryffindor, maybe be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin, tantamount to my favored brother.

I closed the book. I sighed and heard the hubbub from the kitchen. "But moooommm! She's terrible!" I could hear Lily grouch on. "Lily is right!" I heard James bellow in discontentment. Dad yelled "Quiet!" Everything was silent. "Oh, morning Molly." That was my favorite sibling. Albus was so affable and sweet. He may have not seemed like it with his fights with dad, he was only trying to be his best. "Oh, good morning you two!" My mother exclaimed. I hated her false smile she wore when she had to give me attention. "Greetings, mother." I could see her shiver with my sister. My dad laughed. "Come eat, Molly, Albus. It will be your first year soon Molly, aren't you excited?" I always found dad was especially happy when one of us were going on our first year. I never questioned it, believing he must have enjoyed Hogwarts a lot. "I am very ebullient about it!" I never knew why, but my father knew how to make me smile just as much as Albus did. "Haha, with your vocabulary you're more than likely to be Ravenclaw." I nodded. "I wouldn't mind that at all." I finally began to eat. James and Lily always ate so viciously. Dad almost ate as much so, but at least attempts using manners. Mother always ate civilly. Albus and I were picky with our manners, and eminently disapprove of their behavior. Another reason I wish to be away from Gryffindor.

"We're done!" The two animals said. Dad chuckled. "Let them finish, Molly is still eating her eggs and Albus isn't done with his toast." I nod a thank you to my father. "But Lily, put a brush through your hair while you wait. James, just be patient dear." Mother always smothered them. When we were done, we cleaned up and flooed to Diagon Ally.

"Alright, lets get going!" My dad said quite cheery. First we got my robes. I was put in a room next to a girl. She was also in my year. "You look nervous." I reply while being measured. "Oh, sorry! My mum has been making me nervous about school. My father is a professor at the school but it doesn't make it any better!" She seemed panicked. "Now, what could she had said to make you jittery?" I ask her. "Oh she told me that my father's years were harder and more complex than hers and said I'd barely make it past most if the courses! My dad says I'll be fine but..." I could sense her worry. "What's your name?" I ask. She replied "Alyssa Longbottom." I smiled. "Well, Alyssa, as long as you have your own wand and try your best you'll succeed. My father never felt completely pressured by his academics there and said it was like home. I'm certain you will find it enjoyable." Alyssa smiled. "Hearing you say that makes me feel better. Oh, what's your name?" I turned to her "Oh, it's Molly Potter."

She gasped. "Potter? As in you're related to Harry Potter?!" I nodded. "Yes, he's my father." I assured. We stepped out to the waiting room. "Oh it true one of your brothers are in Slytherin?" I nodded. "Yes, he is indeed in Slytherin." She seemed weary. "Doesn't that alarm you though?" I pursed my lips. "Are you afraid of Slytherin?" She nodded. "My dad says that's where Voldemort was sorted!" I chuckled at her reasoning of fear. "Ah, but that man is long dead. He protracted his time and look where it got him? Any witch or wizard could have done the same."

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