"Weeds and the flower"

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Aludra walked out of her room to see her mother standing by her door. In her hand was a silver necklace with her Clans symbol on it.

"This goes on every female representative for our Clan." She said smiling putting it around her neck. She smiled to her mother proudly. "Mother, I must go I can not keep Parothenios and the Clans waiting." Her Mother nodded her head and placed her hand on Aludra's shoulder, "well let me walk with you till we get to the ballroom" She rolled her eyes to her mother. "Okay, but once I see Parothenios you have to go into the ballroom with the others and wait for them to announce us."

"I know, father had a full speech about it last night."

They walked down the hallway till Aludra saw Parothenios playing with his bracelet that he got from her father. It was what the male representative got, for the games.

"Well I will see you in the ballroom, and remember once Parothenios and you go in you must sit down and watch till the rest of the representatives come."

"I know Mother, thank you for reminding me."

"You're welcome,love you."

"Love you too."

Her mother kissed her on the forehead and walked into the ballroom with her dark brown hair pinned up in a bun, that was followed by her yellow, and orange dress dragging on the ground.

"Aludra, you took forever you you should have asked for some of your maids to get you dressed so that it wouldn't take so damn long." He complained still playing with the bracelet that was silver and also had the Clans symbol.

"How did you know I didn't ask for maids to help?" Aludra asked him a little creeped out, "I heard one of your maids complaint about how you refused them." He stopped playing with his bracelet and looked to the door.

"Can they hurry up and announce us already, I'm hungry, and want to start dancing with girls."

"You're horrible you know that."

When she said that he grinned, " well I'm glade you noticed." Once he said that they heard a loud voice come from the other side of the door.

"May I present the two representatives of the Virgo Clan. Aludra Ginny Franfort, and Parothenios Greg Foxer!"

Parothenios put his arm out for her to take, she took it and they walked through the double doors into the ballroom.

When they walked in Aludra saw many of people from her Clan.

The Virgo people where wearing yellow to honor our Clan. She was wearing a yellow dress as well. Parothenios was wearing a yellow shirt and black suite that was leather.

In the ballroom was also the Capricorn people wearing red, and the Taurus people wearing green.

She saw her Clan clapping and smiling to their appearance. She saw her father and Mother come to them and placed their hands on their shoulders and lead them to where they would sit with the other representatives.

Aludra's seat was next to Parothenios seat, both had their Clan symbol but one with a female and the other male.

The other side of her seat was the Capricorn male, and Capricorn girl that would be on the other side of him. Parothenios had the Taurus girl next to him and the Taurus boy on the opposite side of her.

Aludra could feel her stomach ache for food that was on the opposite side of the ballroom. It was all the food that she loved, meat, and pasta, plus other things that she was okay with.

"Can the other Clans representatives show up any slower, I want to start dancing and drinking cheapen." Parothenios complained leaning back in his chair. "You are lucky that you are nineteen, you can drink anything you want. I can't even drink one sip of non alcoholic cheapen." She crosses her arms and sighed.

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