"Bad teens :)"

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The party the night before was not fun. All of the Clans hated each other. She could see that when she walked in.

Now it was morning, and they were already walking to where they will be staying for the next week.

"I hope there is a library. It will be the only quiet place in the house." Gyles said crossing his arms. She looked to him smiling, "you think they are loud and obnoxious?" He nodded his head, "yes I do, did you not see them at the party. One of them danced like an idiot talking the whole time, the other guy was eating like his stomach was a bottomless pit, he was also laughing the whole time. The Virgo girl was just creepy, and the other one was just horrible to talk too." She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and shook her head. "You just hate everyone."

He smiled like he was happy to hear that, "yes I do, except you."

They kept walking down the path till they saw the Virgo Representatives.

Aludra was nice, Heidrun did not mind her. The boy she never really talked to, but she also forgot his name.

"Why we the only ones that make it to places on time?" The guy said crossing his arms, she was now understanding why Gyles wanted a library. Now she was wanting one as well.

"Sorry, we don't know where we were going since we don't live here. Unlike you two." Gyles meanly stated.

"Porothenios stop being rude" Aludra glared at him, she turned back to them and smiled "we are so glade you guys came, we were afraid you would say no and have the soldiers force you out of the rooms." That made Heideun a little uncomfortable.

"This is where the party is I guess. Told you sis I knew my way around." Heideun turned around to see the Taurus representatives walking down the path. "Yeah right you walked down the wrong path four times. I just waited for you to come back till you actually figured it out."

Both of them were wearing green. The girl wore a brown leather jacket, green plain top, jeans, and brown boots. The boy wore something similar but instead of brown boots he wore black boots. He was also wearing a country hat.

They seemed ready to practice with weapons and fighting then any of them.

Aludra was wearing a orange dress with yellow flowers on it and wearing a yellow flower in her hair. Plus she was wearing heels. Parothenios was wearing black shirt and nice leather jacket, also spotless shoes.

"Great you are all here! Let get you all in and settlers quickly. You guys will start training in the practice games in two hours."

A man walked out of the house, he was wearing a classy butler outfit. "Thanks man," Parothenios said walking into the house like he owned it, which his Clan did.

When Heideun walked in she thought it was a regular house look, but from the look on the Taurus representatives they were in love.

"There are six bedrooms on the third floor, each with their own bathroom, library is down to the right, with a study area as well. Game and training room down to the left. Kitchen is down the middle hallway chefs will make breakfast at six, lunch at twelve, then dinner at seven. Movie room is on the second floor which also has a inside garden, that leads out to the outside garden. Pool is outside with a waterfall, the back yard leads to the forest that separates the Virgo and Capricorn Clans. So Gyles and Heideun there will be guards to make sure you don't run back to your clan. Same for Flora and Faunus. Now you only have an hour and forty minutes to get ready. Meet outside and a ride will pick you up."

The guy left quickly shutting the door, "what about the keys?" Faunus asked laying down on the white couch. "Why would we need keys? Guards are outside and posted around the area. We are safe, I checked before leaving my house." Parothenios said grabbing a his laptop and sitting down on a cushion.

Heideun could see that he had the cameras on his screen showing what was going on outside.

"Why do you have the security on you screen?" Flora asked curious. Parothenios smiled "I hacked into my dads system, i like to see who is where so in case I have to go somewhere and the person that would tell my dad is there I can avoid that person."

Gyles groaned, "you are still not getting that much information, why not his emails and the things the King sends to him? That could help us."

Aludra shook her head "don't do that, we could get in trouble!" Gyles shrugged "no he will get in trouble. It is his laptop, not mine." Heideun hit him on the shoulder.

"Stop it, I do say it is a good idea, Parothenios just has to take the risk in doing it...."


She looked to his computer and saw so many emails popped up. "Why would you do that!" Aludra crosses her arms glaring at him, "Aludra, stop glaring, your not going to get in trouble. You are the princess anyway."

After a few minutes of looking through the Kings email we found nothing important to them. "Okay I'm going to get ready for the practice," she said walking up the stairs, "I'll meet you in the training room if you don't mind." Flora says from the couch.

Heideun nodded "I'm fine with it."

When she walked to the third floor she saw six doors. She went to the first one she saw. When she opened the door there was a king size bed, tv, couch, coffee maker, a balcony, and a walk in closet. "I could get used to this," she set her bag on the bed and turned on the tv.

Flora would have to wait a while longer.

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