Danny x J-Dog

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I was with the guys at a club. We all got some drinks, of course. Jordan and Dylan were already wasted, Geroge and Matt were on the dance floor and so was Jorel. I was sitting on the table alone, staring at Jorel. Ever since I joined the band I always kinda had a crush on him. I don't think he likes me though. At least, not like that. Jorel stopped dancing and came to sit next to me. "Hi, Danny." He said sounding drunk. "Um, hi." "Do you wanna come to the bathroom with me." "Um, okay." I say, and follow him to where the men bathrooms were. "Come." He said, gesturing for me to come in the stall with him. I hesitantly followed him into the stall door. He closed the door and locked it, then he pushed me up against the door, kissing me deeply. He stopped and backed away for air the did it again. I loved it. "I love you, Danny." "Love you too." We kept making out in the stall door. Soon it was time to leave. Everyone got in the car. Since I was the only one still sober, I drove us all home. Jordan and Dylan passed out on the couch as soon as I opened the door. George and Matt went upstairs and eventually they passed out too. I let Jorel sleep in my bed with me. Jorel immediately feel asleep, him being drunk as fuck. I just layed in bed and soon I eventually feel asleep too.

I woke up in the morning in Danny's bed. I was really confused but I didn't care. I went downstairs to get something to eat. Jordan and Dylan were out cold on the couch. I have no idea what happened last night but I don't think I wanna know. Danny soon came downstairs. "Hi." He said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Hi." "Um, Jorel?" "Yeah? What is it?" I ask. "D-do you love me?" "What?" I asked really confused. "You were really drunk last night and you told me you loved me. I thought it was just because of the alcohol but ever since I joined the band I always had a crush on you. So I just wanted to ask if you really feel the same way." "Well I have no idea what happened last night, so I don't really know, but I always kinda liked you too." I answer with a smile. "So does that mean?" "Yes." I walked up to hime and kissed him. "I love you, Danny." "I love you too."

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