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"I am tainted, with the blood of many; yet, my heart still thrives and prospers as if nothing has happened."

"I protect my pack, the rogue clan, with the same ferocity as a mother who presides over her children. We may not hold the name of an official coven, but we are family. Family as one, and family together. I may appear emotionless and cold, but my heart swells for those I love. It's not many that I adore believe me, but to be loved by me is an achievement one will behold for eternity."

"I do not deserve my birthname anymore than I deserve to be here. But, I suppose, as I am on the brink of death, I shall tell you. The blood represents my remorse, and the pain that has eclipsed itself over my heart; the blood cascading over my body symbolizes my torment. A rose. My favorite flower. A symbol of romance and depression. It is what my father gifted me each day, when he would place the plant on the foot of the bed amidst my deep slumber. Every day, he would gift me one, adorn me with it's luscious fragrance. Even if i don't believe those bloody lies I still remember. Him. He would call me, beautiful."

"My thorns will push you away prick you if you stray too near. But, I am fragile, breakable, a fine sheet of thin ice. I am as bleak as the petals that sift softly in the wind, pulling to be free. They are beautiful. Graceful. Delicate. But sensitive especially. I can shatter from a single touch; crumble at the light brush of a finger; obliterate at hurtful words. I may be strong, my barrier desperately holding up my fortress, but if you do it right, touch me in the specific form, you can slowly pick at my petals, peeling each one away, piece by piece, until you are left with nothing. Nothing but my cold heart, standing bright amidst the darkness. An almost ornamental piece. Gorgeous, yet filled with darkness and hatred, without a care in the world."

That is what I am.  A beautiful killer.

The once white rose is now stained with impure, red blood.
I am Jane -Blood Rose-, and my perturbed story of torture is a long one..

Hey guys, Jane aka TaintedShe-wolf here, I'm starting a new story. I've been working on improving my writing so I hope you like it. :) I hope to get a lot done on this story soon, and i hope you great readers out there like it! I'm writing this from my heart, and it is a story that I've been planning for a long time. Please give me feedback and let me know where the errors are.

And, if you don't like it, don't read it. But, you can always change the color of that beautiful star on the bottom and give me a follow!! *wink wink nudge nudge*

I love you all!!!

Blood Rose -  A Beautiful KillerWhere stories live. Discover now