Prologue Pt.2

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Third Person POV*

After smiling at the thought of the possibility of being an adequate father to Jane, Mattius had lifted her by the under arms and threw her upwards, her tiny fragile body ascending towards the sky in a frivolously quick pace, chanting prayers of thanks to the Moon Goddess for gifting him such a magnificent beaut for a child. Just as he began to cherish the memory, and relive it in the old head of his, his thoughts were broken by a ferocious growl.

Jane, an imposter of a hissing feline, crouched in an attacking stance, playfully snarling acrimoniously at Liam,who was kindly gazing back at her, his gaze full of defiance, yet amusement. Then he committed the most heinous crime known to humanity, well in the midst of Jane's youthful mind anyways, that brought the little toddler into a spree of unfathomable anger, an insurmountable wall of an irascible temperament gliding over her usually serene demeanor, and eclipsing over her frolicsome disposition. Liam laughed at her. He not only laughed, but chortled in the most ungentlemanly manner, his loud, high-pitched, bellowing chuckles reverberating across the meadow, and setting a crimson blush of mortification, humiliation, and frustration onto Jane's face.

"Y-y-your face, it's just s-so s-so funny!!!," he cried, entirely unaware of the reproach he would receive from Jane herself for angering the king's daughter with such a pompous attitude, and he cackled, feigning maliciousness, until tears pioneered down his cheeks from the uncontrollable guffaws that escaped his pudgy lips. He had not noticed Jane's abashment, for he proceeded to fall to the floor in a tangled heap, rolling around in the pile of cherubs and sardonically snickering beneath the bright noon sun. He was unaware that he had dirtied his once khaki—now brown— slacks, and his worn, maroon, flannel shirt was missing a few buttons, revealing his boyishly tan chest—that he still proudly paraded—, in many spots of ripped fabric. By then the realization and remembrance of his mother's robust belief in staying unorthodoxly clean had dawned upon him, causing the poor boy to rapidly dust off his clothes, a feeble attempt to escape part of the reprimanding that he was bound to get once he returned home. In all honestly, the boy had a haggard appearance, all muddy and grimy with the exception of the chubby face he possessed, expressing a mask of feigned innocence that would be missed by all but Matt and Evangeline,  who were at most bemused with his childish actions and had seen the eye of the storm, creeping soundlessly up to Liam, with nothing but pure fury displayed on the once adorable young face.

Jane marched up to him, lifting her feet sky high, and her thin finger wagging at him in a truculent manner, a display worthy of matchmaking by Liam's guardians, but one Jane regarded as utter contempt and hatred for the little, impish, blonde boy who had completely embarrassed her whilst she was trying to make a name for herself in the presence of her beloved parents. But, in the midst of all this directed anger towards his freckled face, she has felt an emotion towards him. An emotion that she thought resembled her parent's exalting fancy for her in a particular way, but she couldn't quite describe the small tugs that yanked on the strings in her heart, playing a beautiful, harmonious melody that she could have nothing but swooned over.

"Come here right now!," she called out towards the insolent boy, staring at her with a sheepish look on his face, his panting tongue lolling out of his mouth slightly to the right, with drops of clear, bubbled, saliva watering the flowers as it left his mouth and dripped silently, disappearing into the field of flowers as it landed gracefully.

'How childish and immature of him,' she thought, looking at his bedraggled figure with nothing but tried horrification. Oh, she wished that the feelings she experienced for this foolish boy would reach their demise soon, but her wish seemed to be ignored by the moon goddess. With an overly-dramatic, indolent sigh, the boy waddled over, nearing her standing position, supposedly dragging one leg after another in an incessantly annoying manner for Jane. Her expression darkened as her mood swayed yet again, into the roaring abyss that brought her dominant side to life.

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