Chapter 1: My Crazy Night Life

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Author's Note: Hello, this is my first fanfiction ever, so sorry if it isn't as good as you are hoping for. Eventually, I will make this into a trilogy, but each book will be really long, so don't worry. Also, I will upload 1 chapter a week, and have a random shoutout to someone! Enjoy!

  It was raining buckets when I woke up. Most people despise the rain, but I have always been partial to it. I don’t know why, but I like to just listen to the pitter-patter of it on the roof when I am lying still in my bed at night. The sun was completely blocked by the clouds, so it felt like five in the morning. The other children were slowly getting up as well, so there was a groggy moaning in the dormitory. As we got dressed, I was thinking about my dream last night.

  Most nights, I have this dream where I am trying to escape something. My parents and I are running from something, and there is destruction all around us; bodies of people, crumpled buildings, bits of debris every which way. Whatever is chasing us, is trying to kill us or something, for at the end of the dream, my parents are always shot, and I’d wake up in a cold sweat.

  I dare not tell anyone about these, for people would think I’m mad, and want me to see a therapist or something. As me and the other 15 girls headed down for breakfast, the stairs creaked from age. The orphanage is about 100 years old, and has its own little problems here and there, but it otherwise it a charming little house.

  While we were allowed to go into the garden out back to do whatever, I usually just sat under a tree, reading, drawing, or thinking. I always had big ideas, but never the chance to express them, for people might think that I was a know-it-all. This next day, I took out my drawing pad, packed with different creatures: ones that could put on humans like a costume, ones made of pure energy, and ones that looked just like us, but could live for hundreds of years. This time, I just reflected on my book. Many happy hours of just being artistic. At the same time, I felt that I was being watched, but I had no idea by whom.

 That night, I stood by my window, gazing at the stars. How I longed to one day, be able to explore them! I could seek my fortune, and could have the opportunity to find whole civilizations! Of course, there would be some adventure and danger in the mix, but it would all be worth it. If I could, I would spend to the end of my days exploring and learning about the whole wide universe! But, sadly, Earth hasn’t even been to Mars yet, so there was no hope of doing it until I am much older, at least.

  Before I crawled into bed, I glanced at the watch on my night table. It was a silver-gray, with some circular design on it. I was told it was my parent’s, and they said that I should always keep it with me, under any circumstance. I have pondered the reason on a few occasions, but I finally came to the conclusion that they didn’t want me to forget them.

  That night, I had the dream again, but this time, I saw what was chasing us. They were about five feet tall, had a long eyepiece thing that was about a foot long, and little round spheres around its middle and bottom. On the sides of their heads, they had lights that were just slightly bigger than a Dixie cup, and they flashed when they spoke. They didn’t speak much, but when they did, they seemed to scream it in their robotic voices. The main thing they said was “Exterminate!” I shuddered at the thought of them.

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