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Warning: Bad word (Its just only this chapter)

It was a great fun last night, and I bought this book "Yess" and you read it loudly but not so loud and your roommate Clarissa heard you and goes to your room

Clarissa: Y/N!!

Y/N: what!

Clarissa: you are reading so loud

Y/N: ohh I'm sorry 

Clarissa: ok now I'm going to get back to bed

Y/N: are you sleeping 

Clarissa: yes I am dreaming of 

Y/N: your stupid crush

Clarissa: yep my handsom- 

Y/N: ok ok I'm so sorry for waking you up 

Clarissa: it's ok but really that is so

Y/N: Stob it I know your dreaming about your favorite boy so bye and goodnight.

Clarissa: Hey he's handsome not like the boy in The Forbidden Kingdom.

Y/N: You bitc-

a Few seconds later.

Y/N: Uhh bye though. *pushes Clarissa outside and slams the door*

And you continue to read silently and you close the book and put it on the bookshelf and you go to sleep

Sweet dreams bye *does Korean Heart* and sorry for the bad word there

Sweet dreams bye *does Korean Heart* and sorry for the bad word there

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