A Kiss

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A Kiss

(Note; Im sure your going to fangirl in this part, comment when you fangirl)

We went to the classroom and I sat beside Clarissa and she didn't know we had the same class (now I remember) and Cindy my best friend asked me

Cindy= hey Y/N how ya doing

You= im fine just little situations

Cindy= so you are in the baseball team

You= why your not believing me

Cindy=why the werewolf said that you are going to meet your alpha how does that happen that's impossible

You=fine ill say it but don't tell anyone I lied to the teacher


You= I had a meeting with the alpha

Cindy= so what you guys talk about

You thinking on mind "this is so hard I cant tell the truth"

You= about werewolf stuff that has been going around

Cindy= ok

You= so have you heard prom

Cindy= were both seniors so I guess we can attend by the way do you have a date

You= not yet how about you

Cindy= the guy behind you was asking me

You= who

Cindy= the blonde hair

You= you had a crush on Garroth he is a junior

Cindy= why isn't that impossible a junior is asking me to prom!

You= yeah but youre older
Than him

Cindy=so did someone asking you to prom

You= well none but im going to be hosting the prom

Cindy=did Ms. Layla told you

You= yep sure did

Cindy= oh im so proud

You= well

Bell rings

You=gotta go see ya later

Cindy=Hellooo!our next is lunch

You=ohh no I forgot ok lets eat lunch together

Cindy=absolutely can I invite someone we are doing a project

You= ok

Cindy ran into to Lucinda and Garroth

Hey you guys want lunch

Lucinda=yeah sure

Cindy=with Y/N


Later in lunch, You saw Daniel getting bullied by Ein, Jax, and Ryder and you said to Cindy.

You=Cindy ill be back for a little bit I need to go to the bathroom


You go to the fight to stop it

You=hey leave our alpha alone

Ein= can an omega stop this fight

You=its pretty obvious Ein you are fighting with the Alpha wasn't that disrespectful

Ein=Hehehe pathetic Y/N

You=leave or I'll make you into a human

Ein=you's an ultima I didn't know that

You=why cant an omega be an ultima I mean when I graduate senior high school I am leaving here and going to the University of Scaleswind

Daniel= what she is an ultima and a senior

Ein= haha lets fight

You: bring it I've been waiting for this. Daniel leave, I'll handle this myself

Enter Cindy, Garroth, and Lucinda

Cindy= why is she taking so long

Garroth= didn't she caught something like a fight

Lucinda= don't worry Cindy, she can protect herself she is an ultima

Cindy= yeah but I am worried her safety as her best friend

Lucinda= it will be fine

Back to You and Ein

You punch Ein a lot of times, and he became weak and straggered

You= that's what you get

Ein= hehe remember I'm not giving up

You leave and went back to Cindy

You= sorry for being late

Cindy= where have you been

You= Didn't I said that I go to the bathroom

Cindy= ok well we got to go home prom is tomorrow and we don't have dresses

Lucinda= can I join you guys I need a dress too

Garroth: same

You= your going to wear a dress

Garroth= no a tuxedo

Timeskips when you guys get home

You go to your room and you see a rock breaking your window

You= WHAT THE!! My window!

You go in the window and you see Daniel

Daniel= hey Y/N (acting simple)

You= what did you do to my window

Daniel= im sorry but can you go down here

You= fine

You go down by a fall but a safe fall

You= What

Daniel= what did you just do

You= I am trying to protect you why

Daniel= I have no idea you're a senior but I know you'll graduate soon but may I ask you


Daniel= can I be your prom date

You=( I know what you guys are going to answer) Yes

Daniel gets closer to you. He closes his eyes and gets closer. You blush when he was about an inch away from you. Until you close up and you two kiss.

The Omega and the Alpha - A Daniel x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now