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When I stop reading I go to sleep. Later on, I had a scary dream so I woke up and went to the kitchen; I saw that it is 1:30 am so I made my cereal and went to my room and turn on my Television 📺 and watch a fantasy movie. Later I fell asleep with my Television on

Clarissa POV
I heard the noise from Y/N's room so I went to her room and she was sleeping and the television is on so I turn it off and I think

Clarissa: maybe she had a bad dream so that's why she woke up and watched television

As I see the cereals and I took the cereal and eat it in my room

Clarissa: Yay cereals

Fourth day of school

It was Thursday and it's now my fourth day of school and I was getting ready and I remember my scary dreams I don't know why I had that dream.

Now you went to school with Clarissa and she asked me

Clarissa: Y/N did you have a scary dream last ni-

School bus horns

Clarissa: ok let's go

The Omega and the Alpha - A Daniel x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now