The Demigod

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Name: Alia Roberts

Name pronunciation: (A-lia)

Name meaning: Exalted (Arabic)

Reason for name: Unknown

Birthday: January 5

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Demigod


Personalty: She is very sweet and caring, she tends to be shy and intriverted at first

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Personalty: She is very sweet and caring, she tends to be shy and intriverted at first. She is protective over her friends and tends to be a bit hotheaded. She is sensitive about certain subjects.

Powers: She can Shadow jump, and can raise the dead to her command. She can also summon spirits from the underworld if you ever needed yo talk to someone.

Strengths: Her fighting skills are pretty good and she has a lot of speed to make up for the lack of agility.

Weaknesses: she's not very agile and her powers always drain a lot if energy from her body.

Parents: Hades (God of the Underworld Alive) Mercy (Human mother Dead)

Backstory: She was born with her mother and never met her father like most demigods. One day when she turned 12 she was sleeping in her bed when her mother woke her and told her that she needed to run and not come back to the house. They quickly packed a bag and after protesting she did what she was told. She ran as fast as she could away from the house and away from the screams of her mother. She was found by a satyr named Felix and was brought to Camp Half Blood.
She still has nightmares about her mother and always prays that Hades took good care if her mother.

Time spent at camp Half Blood: All year.

Name: Nathanial Wilson

Name pronunciation: (Nathan-e-al)

Name meaning: Protector

Reason for name: Unknown

Birthday: November 23

Zodiac: Leo

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Demigod


Personalty: He is pritective over his friends

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Personalty: He is pritective over his friends. He seems a little cold at first but is really a kind person. He loves to draw but doesn't like people seeing him draw. He is playful and likes to tease his friends.

Powers: he can build anything out of almost anything. He can create blueprints out of thin air.

Strengths: His fighting skills are good and he has giid agility as well as a strategic mind.

Weaknesses: His friends, seeing people hurt.

Parents: Hepheastus (God. Alive) Mercy (Human mother Alive)

Backstory: He had a pretty normal life till he turned 12. His mother brought him to Camp halfblood after he was attacked at school.  He trained during the summer and stays most if the winter and spring with his mom. He loves camp,halfblood and his mom means the world to him.

Time spent at camp Half Blood: Summer and part of winter/spring.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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