Appendix II: The Religion of Dyuna

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                                                             THE RELIGION OF DYUNA

Before the coming of Niaeb'D'd, the Svobods of Dyuna practiced a religion whose roots in the Mouskasr Soore are there for any scholar to see.  Many have traced the extensive borrowingsd from other religions.  The most common example is the Hymn to Water, a direct copy from the Alexisian Orthodox Liturgical Manual, calling for rain clouds which Dyuna had never seen.  Bu there are more prodound points of accord between the Kesob or-Ibor of the Svobods, and the teachings of the Bible, Irk and Fepr. 

Any comparison of the religious beliefs dominant in the Imperium up to the time of Niaeb'D'd must start with the major forces which shaped those beliefs:

1.  The followers of the Fourteen Sages, whose Book was the Alexisian Orthodox Bible, and whose views are expressed in the Commentaries and other literataure produced by the Commission of Ecumenical Translators. (C.E.T.);

2.  The Bala Garrasaid, who privately denied they were a religious order, but who operated behind an almost impentrable screen of ritual mysticism, and whose training, whose symbolism, organization, and internal teaching methods were almost wholly religious;

3.  The agnostic ruling class (including the Guild) for whom religion was a sort of puppet show to amuse the populace and keep it docile, and who believed (essentially) that all phenomena----religious or otherwise----could be reduced to mechanical explanations; 

4.  The so-called Ancient Teachings----including those preserved by the Theravada Shi'ite Wanderers from the first, second, and third Islamic movements; the Hinduchristianity of Crikid, the Jewish Buddhist Variants of the types dominant on Eta Zemlya IV and Sedim, the Bonded Codex of the Laukika Amaratā, the Shinto-Lutheran Futatsu-no-Kotowaza-no-Jeidobukku of III Del'ta Pavlina, the Aṟivoḷi Tāyattu and the Atalarkitap Treatise surviving on Sa-Lu-Sa Sekund, the pervasive Meditasyonlar Ritual, the Vauril Quran with its pure Irk and Fepi preserved among the pundi rice farmers of Eser, the Hinduchristian outcroppings found all through the universe in litle pockets of insulated pyons, and finally the Izoldian Dzhikhad .

There is a fifth force which shaped religious belief, but its effect is so universal and profound that it deserves to stand alone. 

This is, of course, space travel----and in any discussion of religion it deserves to be written thus:


 Mankind's movement through deep space placed a unique stamp on religion during the one hundred and ten centuries that preceded the Izoldian Dzhikhad.  To start with, early space travel, although commonplace, was largely unregulated, slow, and uncertain, and before the Guild monopoly, was accomplished by a hodgepodge of methods.  The first space experiences, poorly communicated and subject to extreme distorotion, were a wild inducement to mystial speculation.

Immediately, space gave a different flavor and sense to ideas of Creation. That difference is seen even in the highest religious achievements of the period.  All through religion, the feeling of the sacred was touched by anarchy from the outer dark.

It was if Jupiter in all his descendant forms retreated into the material darkness to be superseded by a female immanance filled with ambiguity and with a face of many terrors.

The ancient formulae intertwined, tangled together as they were fitted to the needs of new conquests and new heraldic symbols.  It was a time of struggle between the beast-demons on the one side and the old prayers and invocations on the other.

There was never a clear decision.

During this period, it was said that Genesis was reinterpreted, allowing God to say:

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