Terminology of the Imperium

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In studying the Imperium, Dyuna, and the whole culture which produced Niaeb'D'd, many unfamiliar terms occur.  To increase one's understanding is a commendable goal, hence the definitions and explanations provided below.



ABA:  loose robe worn by Svobod women; usually black.

ABRIKOSY: apricots.

AIKIK: poison administered in food.  (Specifically:  poison in soild food.)  In some dialects:  Croikok.

AIREAEO: In the Hinduchristian Wanderers' religion, the female at the left hand of God; God's handmaiden.

AKSOR or AKSOR RULE:  a common rule on primitive worlds under which the something is tested to determine its limits or defects.  Commonly: testing to destruction.

ALEXISIAN ORTHODOX BIBLE: the "Accumulated Book," the religious text produced by the Commision of Ecumenical Translators.  It contains elements of most ancient religions, including Hinduchristianity, Jewish Buddhism, the Bonded Codex of the Laukika Amaratā, the Shinto-Lutheran Futatsu-no-Kotowaza-no-Jeidobukku, the Aṟivoḷi Tāyattu, the Atalarkitap Treatise, the pervasive Meditasyonlar Ritual and  the Vauril Quran.  Its supreme commandment is considered to be: "Thou shalt not disfigure the soul."

APR:  the test of reason.  Originally, the "Seven Mystic Questions" beginnig: "Who is it that thinks?"

APEL'SINY: oranges.

AR-LOSA:  mankiind's original sun; by usage:  any planet's primary.

AROK AR-MESROR: the mystical world of similitudes where all physical limitations are removed.

ASSASSINS' HANDBOOK:  Twenty-third-century compilation of poisons commonly used in a War of Assassins.  Later expanded to include those deadly devices allowed under the Guild Peace and the Great Convention.

AYLINER: major cargo carrier of the Spacing Guild's transportation system.


BALA GARRASAID:  the ancient school of mental and physical training established primariiy for female students after the Izoldian Dzhikhad destroyed the so-called "thinking machines" and robots.

B.G.: idiomatic for Bala Garrasaid except when used with a date.  With a date it signifies Before Guild and identifies the Imperial dating system based on the genesis of the Spacing Guild's monopoly.

BALISET:  a nine-stringed instrument, lineal descendant of the zithra, turned to the Chusuk scale and played by strumming.  Favorite instrument of Imperial troubadors.

BATTLE LANGUAGE:  any special langauge of restricted etymology developed for clear-speech communication in warfare.

BATTLESHIP: largest spaceship that can be grounded on a planet and taken off in one piece.

BEDWINE: see Ichwan Bedwine.

BELA TEGEUESE:  fifth planet of Olegiya: third stopping place of the Hinduchristians (Svobods) forced migration.

BE-LO KOEKO: Amen (Literally:  "Nothing further need be explained.")

BINDU:  relating to the human nervous system, espeically to nerve training.  Often expressed as Bindu-nervature. (See Prana).

BINDU SUSPENSION:  a special form of catalepsis, self-induced.

BLED: flat, open desert.

BODDO: in Svobod legend, the weeper who mourns for all mankind.

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