Why Is Aizen A Butterfly?

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Ichigo Kurosaki: Aizen, why are you a butterfly now?

Aizen Sousuke: *looks at him irl with a 'wtf did you just say?!' expression*. WHAT DAFUQ DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!

Kisuke Urahara: I can not believe Ichigo just said that to his face. Is he trying to get himself killed sooner?!

Isshin Kurosaki: *facepalms*. Oh my god, Ichigo. You can not just ask people why they are butterflies.

Kisuke Urahara: Only the wings have any resemblance to a butterfly in my opinion.

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Coyote Starrk: How dare that bug call Lord Aizen a butterfly?!

Kaname Tosen: Kill them all!

Aizen Sousuke: Talk about extreme.

~Username Key~:
AwesomeDad = Isshin Kurosaki
SexyYoungShopKeeper = Kisuke Urahara

eathBerry = Ichigo Kurosaki
HollowKing = Aizen Sousuke
BlindJustice = Kaname Tosen

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