Tododeku 2: Addiction

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Todoroki had a problem. Yes, a very very serious problem. The only person he had ever told was Uraraka. Who laughed at first, but supported him when she realized he was serious. To explain his problem, his childhood of terror/horror/trauma caused him to have a fear of human contact. Whenever his father (Satan) would touch anyone in his family, it never ended well. To put it simply, Todoroki was deathly afraid of people touching him. And that had made things difficult for a while, until his personality adjusted to make people not want to get close to him at all. 

It had all been good and fine. At least, it was. When Midoriya entered his life, many things changed. Todoroki would always have a soft spot in his heart for the boy that saved him. Which was totally a friend thing to do. Yep. Definitely. There was just this one thing. Midoriya loved human contact. He would constantly brush up against Todoroki without even realizing it. Of course, Todoroki would move before they touched. He was still afraid after all. It wasn't until one of their class-A outings when they actually touched.

The whole class had decided to go see a movie together. It was supposed to be some horror movie that was getting a lot of attention. He didn't exactly care. The only reason he actually came was because of Midoriya's puppy dog eyes, begging him to come. And who on earth could ever say no to Midoriya? Definitely not Todoroki. 

The theater was dark besides the way too big movie screen in front of them. They were sitting next to each other in the back row of seats: Midoriya on Todoroki's left side. The movie began. Todoroki was actually kind of interested. The murderer reminded him of his dad. Hopefully he dies in the end. He was so into the movie that he didn't notice he was heating up his left side a bit. Not enough to burn, but enough that he was pretty warm. Todoroki also didn't notice a progressively more sleepy Midoriya leaning towards him. Well, until he felt a small weight on his shoulder. Looking over, he realized what was happening. Midoriya had fallen asleep on him. 

See, he should've freaked out. His fear of human contact was still present, and after years of not letting anyone touch him at all, he was pretty sensitive. Which just made the sensation weirder. Todoroki's stomach felt... fluttery? Warm tingles started from where Midoriya had fallen asleep on his shoulder and spread throughout his body. It felt.. nice. He wasn't erupting into flames, nor was he freezing the movie theater. He simply wrapped an arm around Midoriya and pulled him closer. 

From that day forward, he became addicted to Midoriya's touch. Uraraka laughed hysterically before she realized Todoroki had no idea what that entailed. She decided to let this play out. It would be more fun that way. 

Todoroki tried to resist, but he just couldn't stop casually brushing against Midoriya. He simply had to grab his hand when he was upset. Its not like he could help it. Todoroki had come down with some kind of illness...Right?

~Author's note: Hello! If you'd like me to continue this oneshot from Midoriya's point of view please let me know! Also please comment any prompts or suggestions in the comments here or on the prompt chapter!! Thank you!~

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