Michael's clueless

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Michael's POV

I heard Geoff on the phone with someone just outside the door I didn't bother to listen though all I cared about was Gavin. I wanted to see him, I wanted to know how's he's doing to hug him hear his stupid British accent. Geoff came back I with a huge creepy grin"who was that Geoff" I ask "oh no one just Griffon" he says and takes a seat in his chair 'fucking liar' I think but don't question him. I put my head phones on and go through some old files trying to clean junk videos when I come across a video a smile spreads on my face as I click on it. it was a rage quit I did with Gavin we played slender man I watched the one where the camera is facing us I stare at Gavin's face and listen to his voice I close my eyes and lean back just taking in his voice I must've fallen asleep because I woke up in my chair to the sound of screaming I jumped up standing quickly throwing off the head phones. "you okay there Michael?" Geoff turns to face me I'm still a bit in shock but I shake it off "ya I'm good" I say sitting back down. I look at the clock it's almost time to leave I look at the video knowing it's not that long I see someone cut the clip and blocked out my voice and only played Gavin's and it was on repeat I guess the person forgot to cut a bit of my yelling. "Geoff did you do this?" I asked pointing to the video he turned and just shook his head a bit weird "well okay I'm gunna head home for today is that okay?" I ask "ya Michael that's fine oh and you don't need to come to work tomorrow till 10:00" Geoff says a small smile forming in his lips "okay?" I say hesitant but just go with it I'm not really in the mood to talk much.

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