Crazy Lindsay

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Gavin's POV

I was enjoying myself. being back was even better than I thought it would be. that is until I opened my eyes and saw the reflection of what was behind me. Lindsay was standing in the door way and she looked like she could either break down and cry or grab the nearest object and beat the life out of me with it. I made a squeak out of fear for my life. "what was tha... fuck!" I heard Michael say from his place on the wall and once again for the second time today I was on the floor. I looked up at Lindsay from the floor and she looked mad. I saw Michael walk over to her like a scared puppy. but things went down from there when a sharp slap flew across Michael's face. I watched him fall to the floor and whimper. then I saw Lindsay start walking towards me. I scooted back on the floor until I hit the wall. I tried to move back but I couldn't I was in a ball like shape with my knees in my chest. "Lindsay no" I heard Michael's small voice "I'll deal with you later" she snapped back. Michael just went silent. from what I could see there was already a red mark on his cheek. I turned and was met with a pair of legs covered by light blue jeans. I looked up and my emotions dropped. there was Lindsay holding out her hand for me to take. She had a huge smile on her face as if nothing was wrong. I hesitated at first but took her hand after her insisting. I grabbed it and was pulled up off the floor and was wrapped up in a hug. "wha...?" I whispered "hey Gav I missed you when did you get back" she had the sweetest voice in the world. "Uhhh I missed to too, I got here yesterday." my voice was small and cracked a bit. "what's wrong Gavin?" she asked releasing me. "huh me nothing I'm fine... I uhh I have to go speak with Geoff if that's okay" I said already at the door "okay bye Gav" she said. I looked down at Michael still on the floor he Gave me a look of 'please don't leave me with her' I gave him a sad look but walked out whispering a soft sorry. "MICHAEL VINCENT JONES!" was the last thing I heard before I started running down the hall.

Michael's POV

I knew I was fucked when I saw Lindsay standing there. I pushed Gavin on the floor and went to explain to Lindsay. I already knew she wouldn't listen but I didn't think she had the guts to hit me in public. she only hits me at home. so I was caught off guard when the all to familiar back hand of Lindsay hit my face. I fell and fought to hold back the tears in my eyes. I could see Lindsay walking over to Gavin "Lindsey no" I said "I'll deal with you later" she yelled back hate in her voice. I knew what she meant. that meant when we get home she will yell and scream and throw things along with a punch to the face and a few kicks to my stomach. I will end up calling Ray at about 1:00 in the morning. I'll drive over and explain what happened. then she will act as if it never happened. by the time I was done thinking about my later fate, I looked up and saw Gavin walking out the door he gave me a sad look and said sorry then ran away. i turned back to Lindsay and her fake smile dropped. "MICHAEL VINCENT JONES!" she started yelling at me "linds I can explain it was Gavin, it was all Gavin he forced me to kiss him" I lied and pleaded. "I don't care who did what you didn't seem to be stopping it!" she lowered her voice. "come on were going home" she said "okay I'll tell Geoff I'm leaving" I said starting to get off the floor. before I had a chance to stand I felt a swift kick to face and not the stomach. "pick your self up" I watched her walk away. I sat up and felt blood start to trickle out of my nose. I stood up and went to find Geoff. I walked for about 5 min before I found him talking with Ryan. "hey Geoff" my voice cracked a bit. and I was still holding my nose to try and stop the blood. "hey Micha-... oh my god what happened?" he sounded worried. "Lin-... I uh ran in to a door and hit my nose, I just came to ask if it's cool if I go home?" he gave me a 'I know your lying' look "hm okay that's fine just get your nose checked it seems pretty bad" Ryan looked just as worried as Geoff if not more. but I knew if I kept Lindsay waiting any longer it'll just be worse. "bye" was all I said before fast walking away to avoid any unwanted asked questions. I bumped into Ray on the way out. he gave me one look over and said "I'll see you tonight?"
"Ya probably I'll tell you later" I said walking away, and out the front doors to my car where an angry Lindsay stood. "get in!"

God I hope you guys liked this because I haven't posted it cuz I thought it was bad but you guys are asking for more so here it is. sorry if it sucks...

Bai bai

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