Party Boss

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"Remind me again why we're going to your boss' party?" Damon asked.

After I informed Damon about my last run-in with Mr. Davenport, he was more than angry. I thought he'd run down to the restaurant and punch Mr. Davenport right the face. It took almost two hours for me to calm Damon down. Mr. Davenport did more than cross the line, but he was still my boss. His little party could consist of other restaurant owners in the city. Maybe I could get introduced to some new people. After all, Damon and I made a deal. Six more months of work, then I'm out of there. Still, Damon wasn't happy about the party. Before leaving the house, he had at least four shots of whiskey. He reassured me that he was okay to drive and I listened reluctantly. 

Damon had been acting a little distant since Thanksgiving. I didn't know if it was because of something I did or said. I thought the dinner went great; even his distant relatives loved me. Damon seemed too busy for me most days, which was confusing considering his residency didn't start until January and he was done with Med School. I thought maybe he was becoming stressed out while thinking of his residency, that had to be it. Maybe the party would take his mind off of everything.

"Because it's a great career opportunity. We'll walk in, speak, and leave. Simple as that." I smiled.

"Yeah, right." Damon sighed.

I picked up the bottle of wine that was in the back seat then got out of the car. Mr. Davenport's home had lights all over it, a Santa Claus on the roof, and elves in his front yard. I really liked how Christmasy his house looked. All Erica and I had was a pitiful tree in the living room that resembled something from Charlie Brown. Damon didn't have anything other than a reef on his front door that I put there myself. Seeing someone embracing the Christmas spirit was nice, even if it was my horrible, flirtatious boss.

"Someone's in the spirit," I said.

Damon let out a deep sound rather than replying to what I said. We walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later Mr. Davenport opened the door. When he saw me, his eyes lit up with happiness. He was genuinely happy to see me, it was weird, but kind of nice. Damon didn't look happy to see me for days.

"Ahh, Charlie, you made it." Mr. Davenport smiled.

"Hey, Mr. Davenport. You remember my boyfriend, Damon, don't you?"

"Yes, nice to see you again. Please, come in. I'll take that wine."

Mr. Davenport took the wine from my hands then showed us in. The party wasn't full, but it wasn't empty either. There were about sixty people standing around talking amongst themselves, all in the upper class clearly. No one at the party looked under forty. Botox didn't help those wives. Santa Baby was playing in the background. Scanning the room, I smiled. Everyone looked nice in their dresses and suits, from the neck down in most cases. I kind of missed the high-end parties I used to attend when I was dating Anthony.

"I'll go hang your coat up," Damon said.


Damon slid my coat off, exposing my all-white dress. The sleeves went all the way down to my wrist and the dress came down to the floor. It hugged my body in all of the right places. It was a simple dress with the slightest shimmer, but it was lovely. As Damon walked off to put my coat away, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I turned to see Mr. Davenport smiling at me from across the room with two glasses of champagne in his hands. He touched the shoulder of a young woman next to him. He whispered something in her ear before they started walking towards me.

I smiled, preparing for whatever bullshit was about to come out of Mr. Davenport's mouth.

"For you." He said, handing me the glass of champagne.

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