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Damon made his way over to me then embraced me tightly, I didn't hug him back. When I left Dander I had every intention to leave Damon there. In my mind, I'd never be back. But, seeing that couple in the airport inspired me to go back, I thought maybe Damon and I could be together again. However, after talking to my mother, I realized that a relationship was not what I needed at the time. It wasn't healthy for me.

"Why is he here?" I asked as I pushed Damon away.

I didn't mean to be so rude, I was simply shocked. Knowing that Damon loved me enough to chase me was a good feeling. Under different circumstances, I'd be happy to see him. Unfortunately, it wasn't a different circumstance, and I wasn't happy to see him. For the first time since I've met Damon, I genuinely wanted him to leave me alone, to stay exactly where he was.

"Um, he called and said he was coming to surprise you. Did we do something wrong?" Charlene asked.

"No." I sighed. "I need to talk to Damon alone."

"Okay, we'll be in the kitchen."

Everyone exited the room slowly. Damon and I stood across from each other without saying a word. I was a little annoyed that he was there, but I knew I couldn't mistreat him. He came all the way to New Jersey to see me. I needed to be nice to him.

"You aren't happy to see me?" Damon asked sadly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just shocked is all. You shouldn't be here, Damon."

"You said you need to talk to your ex, if he's as dangerous as you say he is, I can't let you talk to him alone."

"He isn't dangerous with me. You need to go back to Dander before the limo driver gets here."

"He's sending a limo to get you?"

"Yes, and I don't want you here when the driver arrives. Julian is very loyal to Anthony."

"I'm sure you can talk him into letting me go with you."

Damon was right. Julian was Anthony's driver and he knew me well. Julian was like a step-father to me. He didn't have a family or children, so being a driver for a hitman came naturally to him. The late nights and uncertainty didn't bother him one bit. I assumed it was because he had nothing to lose.

"Damon, I--"

"You said he was dangerous."

"I also said he'd never hurt me."

"Well, how do I know that? People change, Charlie."

"Not him."

"I'm going with you whether you like it or not."

There was no point in arguing with Damon, he had his mind made up. He didn't know that being there was only going to make things more complicated. I couldn't predict the future, I didn't know how Anthony would react to seeing Damon. All I knew was that if it came down to it, I'd do anything to protect Damon.

"Fine, let's kill some time until then."

For the next two and half hours Damon and I sat in the kitchen with my parents. I didn't bother to tell Charlene or my father that I had broken up with Damon, it didn't seem right to do that. Instead, I sat back and watched my family laugh with my former lover. Damon probably thought that I'd go back with him to Dander. Three hours ago, I definitely would have. But now, I couldn't imagine going back to Dander with him.

Around five o'clock I started to prepare myself to see Anthony. I had made up in my mind all of the things that I'd say or do once I saw him. I wasn't angry with Anthony, he was with me for three years. I knew I'd always have a certain amount of love for him, he was my first everything. I also knew that Anthony and I would never be together again. I didn't know who I was, but I wasn't that nineteen year old that fell in love with Anthony. I was turning twenty-three soon, I've grown into a different person. I wanted different things.

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