The Fallen Angels; Greyscale

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[ A/N ~~~

Okay, here goes.

This is the first story I have written on Wattpad and it will have a very shaky start !

Actually, 'very shaky' is a bit of an understatement.

It will not be edited properly until it is finished.

Please don't judge too quickly, I am trying really hard with this as I usually write a couple of chapters of a story and then get bored. I promise not to do so with this.


Thanks for reading ;]

~~~ A/N ]



You would think that heaven would be a nice place.

full of happy, smiling dead people who haven't a care in the world. Right?


Heaven is actually where guardian angels live. Sort of Like a second earth, just everybody is absolutely beautiful, everyone loves bright colours, and we all have wings. (well, most of us.)

Yeah, that's me included.

I'm not a full guardian angel yet, that's for when I'm 21. Until then, I'm a trainee Angel.

I go to School, listen to music, and play guitar. I'm just like you, only, er, 'winged' I s'pose.

Only, I'm not really like all the other Trainee guardians. And I don't like mainstream pop like the rest of the angels.

I'm different. Rock music and hardcore is are passion and I love dark colours. I hate false lighting, and I prefer sunset to sunrise. Those are the type of things that can get you kicked out of heaven though. If you aren't 'normal' like the rest, it doesnt take much to get your future human re-assigned to another guardian angel, and you sent to earth faster than you can say 'big fat man wearing bright red speedos'.

[A/N that's a nice picture right there :O - not really :$ ]

There are a few other things that differ between angels and humans, besides the whole 'heaven' thing, oh, and the wings.

All angels have White blood, nobody really knows why. But when we bleed, it's like a mix of milk and cornflour dripping from the wound. Great if you're wearing dark colours, as it acts like a bleach to clothing.

All angels are born to be with somebody, sort of like a 'soulmate', yes, like in the books. It's in our nature not to be alone.

Take my mam and dad for example, they met in primary school and knew they were mates as soon as they bumped hands, skin to skin contact normally initiates the bond, but some people can tell by the eyes, and for others it's the scent of their mate. But wherever we are, none of us are destined to be alone. At least, that's what we have always been told. But an unfortunate series of events may have put a spanner in the works for me and my future mate.

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