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[ A/N ~~~

Still a bit shaky ;/ sorry.

will get a bit better in the first chapter though ;]

~~~ A/N ]





The school bitches chasing after me. Damn wings slowing me down. Flying is forbidden during school hours but I think today might be an exception.

Shit ! Dead end.

The barbie clones catch up with me and block my only exit.

Dammit !

There's no choice left now.

Time to fight.

I glare viciously at Natasha, Lead barbie 'angel', head cheerleader and the schools golden girl. Her 15 strong entourage smirk at me, their golden curly hair shining and their wings glowing paper white. Anyone would think they were the perfect embodiment of the word 'angel'. Me, however, well I know better.

The thing is, I'm pale, straight dark haired, green eyed and curvy. the perfect opposite of the bitches, and the stereotypical description of a fallen angel - many of the angels have their suspicions. And that, ladies and gents, is why the bitches are after me. Well, That and I just 'dissed' Madonna and Kylie Minogue in one sentence.


Who would've known that comparing them to 'dying cats crowd surfing a stampede of ravenous wild boars' could be found offensive to fellow blonde bimbos. Huh.

And now Back to the situation at hand.

I let a smirk fall onto my face, raising my left eyebrow as if to say 'bring it on, bitch'.

Natasha gets the message and steps forward to challenge me. Little does she know that I have trained myself in kickboxing and MMA. I am more than prepared for the skinny bimbo. I clench my black fingerless leather gloves, smirk widening as Natasha winces due to the slight squeak they make.

Natasha swings for a slap but I grab her arm in a flash, twisting it behind her back. She shrieks like a little girl and I drop her down onto the floor, waiting for the next bitch to approach me.

They come at me then, at least three at atime. It's 15 to one. Definitely not a fair fight. I'm holding my own very well, and the pile of knocked out winged barbies is growing. There are only three left when our head teacher finally shows up. Geez ! How much of a racket does it take to attract any attention round here?

The four of us that are still standing freeze in our places as we see Mrs. McGrath survey the scene. I can the see the horror in her eyes, mind you, we must look a sight. Bruises, ripped clothing, White blood dripping from noses and various cuts. Geez, I did quite well didn't I?

"Miss Romano?! What in heaven possessed you to attack the whole cheerleading team?! "

The stupid old bat just assumed I did it for no damn reason.

She didn't even wait for an answer before ploughing on with her monologue.

" That's IT! I've had enough! I agreed to give you another chance after last years prank you pulled but-"

I smiled lightly at the memory, I painted the whole cheerleading team's wings purple. Actually, that was probably a contributing factor for the whole 'chasing' thing.

"but Nothing's changed. You, Miss Romano are going straight to you know who! "

A sharp intake of breath from me and a collective 'ooh' from the barbies is the only sound as me and Mrs McGrath glare at each other. She raises one eyebrow challengingly, just as I did earlier and clicks her fingers cockily.


I flip her off as The mechanism of heaven makes me dematerialise from the school and the White door of an office comes into view. Nobody but the big man himself know how that works, just my luck that that's where good old McGrath sent me.

The Door opens to reveal a tall man with platinum blonde hair and light wrinkles. He is wearing a white and gold pinstriped suit and a frown.

"God." I greet, accompanied with a sigh.

"What have you done now my child?" He asks in a deep voice, leaning on the doorframe.

I sigh again.

"Long story short. Cheerleaders provoked me, I retaliated. Blood everywhere, broken bones.Shouting teachers."

God raises an eyebrow in surprise, taking in the white splotches on my dark clothing for the first time.

This time it is god's turn to sigh as I looked down at my vibrant red Doc. Martens. Hey, never said I was a perfect angel did I?

My shoes now somewhat resembled those fairy toadstool mushrooms, red with White dots. Apart from the White dots on my shoes were blood and, they were shoes, not mushrooms.

"Ripley. I have no choice."

God's voice broke through my train of thought, and I look up to meet his eyes. Geez his eyes were blue ! And, they were filling up with tears - what?!

God - Crying ?! I can't remember him ever doing that before. Maybe when Jesus died, but never since that.

"You, Ripley Romano, are hereby banished to Earth, The land of mortals. For all of eternity. I am sorry Ripley, but it is my last option. "

I was speechless.

He just.


I have to go live with the humans.

No way.

This is NOT happening !

He can't !

Wait a minute - Eternity ?!

So I'll still be immortal ?!

this seriously cannot be happening.

Oh. My. Pot. Noodle.

what the heaven am I going to do ?!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 23, 2012 ⏰

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