•O1: The Storm•

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«Shyeria, do you copy?»

“What is it, Agent Fowler?”

«We're getting reports of a thunderstorm rolling in off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Can you confirm?»

Looking over at the North, Shyeria could see the change in the weather far north. The clouds were getting darker, the sun was now harder and harder to see; it was the uprising of a storm. A massive storm. One that is going to kill nearly hundreds of people that live in the Nova Scotia area.

A storm was indeed coming. But it felt like there was something more to the storm.

“Yes, Agent Fowler. I can confirm. It looks like that big rig is going to hit Nova Scotia within 4 hours. You get a team out there to help me investigate whatever is going on. We have a huge situation on our hands. This isn't criminal invasions anymore. This is a mutant we're dealing with. Shyeria out.”

A mutant that can control weather. Just like Shyeria. Who is it? And why are they doing this?

Shyeria didn't know. She needed to investigate, but Agent Fowler would gnat her guts if he found out she went on her own to investigate. But she was willing to take chances, so instead, she hopped on her motorbike, it's roaring engine starling the birds that we're in a tree a few miles away, and rode on the dirt path of the old deserts in Phoenix Arizona.


Shyeria arrived in Nova Scotia and she was too late. The thunderstorm past and did much damage to homes and businesses in the area.

As she got off her bike, she saw cars leaving in the opposite direction. The people were shouting in foreign language of fear as they past and she understood every word.

Sortez d'ici c'est trop dangereux

Líkāi zhèlǐ tài wéixiǎnle

Убирайтесь отсюда, это слишком опасно

(Get out of here! It's too dangerous!)

She had a choice to make. Investigate and go see what's left and what could have caused something like this to happen, or wait for the squad to arrive and investigate with me.

She didn't know what to do. It was now or never. So she went with her heart and hopped back on her bike; riding down the hill towards the war looking place. Hoping to see something interesting that could have triggered this attack.

«Shyeria! Team Prime is on their way towards your position! Hold tight!»

“Roger that.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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