Chapter 26: Why are Grimmjow and Ulquiorra here?

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Julian's POV

"I'll be right back, okay Julian?" Courtney said, before she left the room. I nodded. When she came back, she had a blanket, and a few pillows along with her.

"I'll set my bed here, kay?" She asked, smiling. I smiled back, and nodded.

When I was about to say something the windows were smashed. CRASH!!

"Well, well, well, look who we have here." Grimmjow, said, sneering.

"We'll be taking you both to Aizen." Ulquiorra said, emotionlessly.

Grimmjow grabbed a hold of Courtney. Ulquiorra ran towards me, and tried to slash me with green blade of energy. i dodged it, despite my sleepiness. When he turned around, he teleported behind me, and blew a hole in my chest.

Blood trickled from my mouth, as I gurgled blood out of my mouth, before darkness took over.


Courtney's POV

"JULIAN!!!!!" I cried out, as his body fell to the floor.

"You idiot! We needed him alive!" Grimmjow snarled.

"You're the idiot, Grimmjow. We only need a blood sample, remember?"

"Oh, right..." Grimmjow, said feeling stupid. He really is an idiot.

I looked back at Julian's body. Blood was splattered all over him. Julian.... "Courtney....." A blood gurgled voice called. Was that Julian? His body stood up straight. But when he looked at me, a hollow mask covered his face.

"RRrrrrrrr...." He growled.

"No....." Grimmjow, said, scared.

"I thought I killed him." Ulquiorra said.

The hole was visible, still trickling blood. White armor, with red tribal designs appeared out of nowhere, onto Julian. His hair grew longer, passing his hips. Blades appeared on his biomechanical forarms, and calfs. The thing that scared me most about him.... was his eyes.

The white part was now black. His pupils were red, with a white slit, in the middle.

He's become a Hollow.

He charged towards us, zanpakuto in hand, and slashed at me, Grimmjow, and Ulquiorra.


Huh? Ichigo? He must've woken up when the glass shattered.

"Don't you dare..." Ichigo said, through gritted teeth. He was trying his hardest, to block an attack like that. His feet dug into the wood. It started to crack.

"RRRrrrrrr..... you will.... die, Substitute Soul Reaper!!!!" Hollow Julian yelled.

 He grabbed Ichigo, and slammed him through the wall.

I kicked Grimmjow's 'unmentionables', and jumped after them.

When I landed onto the cement, I watched Ichigo fight Hollow Julian. After finding a hiding place, I transformed into my Soul Reaper form, and joined into the fight.

"RRAGH!" Julian roared, as I slashed his mask. He was off guard.

"Benzaiten!" I called out, transforming my sword into it's shikai form.

"What the hell is going on?!" Crystal yelled, from behind me.

"Oh, am I glad you're here! We need help!"

"You got it!" Crystal said, as she turned into her Soul Reaper form. The others were there as well. Orihime, Chad, Uryu, Renji, and Borko joined the fight as well.

Renji, jumped at Julian trying to slash him, but Julian grabbed his leg, and slammed him into a wall, knocking him out.

"Jitsugaya-UGH!" Crystal was interrupted, by Julian punching her chin, knocking a tooth out of her mouth. She was kneed to the stomach, knocked out.

Orihime took care of the wounded, but was interrupted by Julian. He was holding her neck, suffocating her.

Uryu tried to shoot him with a reiatsu(soul energy) arrow, but it bounced off. He dropped Orihime, who was spitting up blood now.

Uryu was put into a headlock. He was put down, after Julian chopped his neck a few times, knocking him out as well.

He grabbed a hold of Borko, and kicked his face, knocking him out also.

He flipped over Chad, and stomped on his chest.

Once he saw that everone was knocked out, he looked towards me. and started to come towards me.

"Julian.... no. Fight it, Julian! Fight the darkness!! Don't let it win!" He seemed unfazed. He kept walking towards me, until.....

*BOOM!!* A few pillars with chains attached fell on top of Hollow Julian.

"We knew you needed help, so we came as fast as we can." Unohana said, smiling.

"Is he.... dead?" I asked.

"No, he's just trapped underneath my kido."

The ground startled to rumble.

"RRRAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!!!" Hollow Julian roared, muffled. Then, the rumbling stopped.

Rangiku appeared, and said to me: "Here's an invitation. The beach party is next week, okay?"

I anime fell. "Are you kidding me?!?! After what just happened, you give me an invitation to a beach party!?!?" I exclaimed as an anime vein appeared on my forehead.

"It could've been a lot worse." Rangiku said.


"He could've done much more if Unohana hadn't appeared. You and your friends would be dead, but luckily, he only knocked them out. A bit of him was still in control." Rangiku said, hands on her hips.

"Well. I never thought of that." I said, feeling bad.

 Unohana raised the pillars, and gasped.

"What's wrong?" I ask, and take a look, and see a hole leading downwards.

"Damnit, he escaped." Unohana said, angrily.

I could feel a slight rumble. It must be Hollow Julian, digging through the ground.

The rumbling fades, as he digs farther and farther away. Will he ever be human again?

Hollow Julian's POV

BOOOM!!!! Goes the ground as I erupt like a volcano. Digging through ground at 50 mph will do that.

I landed onto the ground, and covered the hole where I dug out of.

I noticed a piece of paper on the ground. I picked it up and read:

"You're invited to a beach party! Make sure you wear a swimsuit!"

I growled, and put the paper in my pocket. I'll need a place to hide for now, until I fully transform.

I look around. I'm on a beach. There's a few rocky ledges to my right, and a few caves to my left. There's a small wooden house to my right, as well.

I go left, and go into the caves.

What have I become? *Bleach fanfic*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora