Hi, it's me.

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Hi, it's me, 

Ellie, or Elodie, depends. 

I'm 18 years old, I live in Quebec (Canada REPRESEENNT!).
I started writing stories when I was 8 years old, I wrote stories about baby witches who could float and steal candy, but only fell in love with reading when I was 13-14 years old and ever since I've been falling in love with words, stories, and characters (lots of them).

I'm mostly like the day and the night, sometimes dark, sometimes bright and sometimes I'm in between them like the sun rises or the sunsets. So in the following texts, there will be triggers such as darkness, loss, grief, anxiety, sadness, depression.
These subjects are controversial, some people might not agree with my words and how I explain these subjects, or how I write down my thoughts, but I ask whoever is reading this two thing. 

Respect and an open mind.
Respect for my work, for me. Because these essays, these texts, are reflexions of my thoughts, of my head, of my feelings and I'm very vulnerable when I lay down these things, just like lots of people. 
Open mind because what I write might not be something you agree with, but that doesn't mean it's not worth considering and if you have an open mind, we can have a conversation and talk, maybe find a way to understand each other. I'm totally 100% open to talking with you, as long as the dialogue is in a calm and open-minded atmosphere. 

Also, I make mistakes, I know. But I'm pretty sure we understand what I mean although there are mistakes. No need to point them out in the comments, please. (This sounds sooo salty but, it's just that I've gotten lots of comments about that issue and it's never fun.)

Always open to talk, whether you need advice, a person to listen to you, to talk about fandoms and books and music and memes, always open. I try my best to check my Wattpad account(S) as often as I can!

♥ Ellie\Elodie ♥
(oh yeah, I go with both names, haha, good information to give!)

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