My bucket list

105 0 1

[] Go to an Aerosmith concert

[] Go to Vegas

[] Slow dance with a boy

[X] Meet a Jonas Brother

[X] See The Fresh Beat Band live (YES I LOVE THE FRESH BEAT BAND!! GET OVER IT!!! IM 15 and I can like what ever I want :b )

[]Meet Scotty McCreery

[X] Sit behind the dugout at an Orioles game for free

[] Meet Aerosmith

[] Ask a guy out (It may seem like guys should ask a girl out. But it doesnt have to always be that way)

[X] Be in a movie

[X] Reach 2,000 reads on my Outsiders story

[] Have one of the guys from The Outsiders read either "Next Generation" or "The Outsiders"

[X] Have one of the Improv-A-Ganza guys read "My Improv-A-Ganza"

[] Visit Corey Haim's grave. R.I.P

[] Slap my "ex crush" across the face. (He deserves it)

[] Go to England

[] Be in a play. (Preferably Rocky Horror ;D )

[] See the Improv-A-Ganza dudes live!

[] Meet Jonathan Mangum

[] Meet Johnny Depp. OMG

[] Meet Emilio Estevez♥

(This isnt finished, I still have more to think of :b)

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