The story of a man's life

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When this guy was 12, his father was arrested for drug dealing. His mother was a stripper. After moving to Canada, he had several step-dads.

He watched his girlfriend die. Before she passed, her baby died. Since all of this happened, he has avoided serious relationships and having a baby.

His younger sister had leukemia. Today she is cured. He donated a lot of money to Hospitals that treat leukemia.

On one of his birthday, he bought himself a cake in a candy store, and sat and ate it alone. If a fan passed by, he would offer them some cake and talk to them.

His best friend, River Phoenix died of an over-dose, almost the same year this man's father was arrested again.

This man, is Keanu Reeves.

He's the only actor that doesnt live in a mansion. "I live in a flat, I have everything that I need at anytime. Why live in an empty house?!"- Keanu said.

He doesnt wear fancy clothes.

He doesnt have body guards.

He sometimes rides the subway, where once he offered a woman his seat.

When they asked him about "Sad Keanu" He replied with "You need to be happy to live, I dont."

I love this man. I love Keanu Reeves. He's a nice guy. He's not like how some celebrities are. You know, the ones that buy tons and tons and tons of stuff they really dont need. I feel bad about all he's been through in his life.. I just want to go up to him, and give him a big hug and tell him how much I respect him, and that everything's okay. But, ive never met him, and I probably never will..

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