Heartbeat ✖ I

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When Izuku awoke, the first thing he noticed was how unusually warm it was. It wasn't like the typical warmth gathered from his body heat under the blankets--it actually felt like he was pressed against a heater.

The second thing Izuku noticed was that he was unable to move. Someone had him completely immobilized. Their arms were pale and muscled and oddly familiar. Scared and confused, Izuku tried to wiggle away from whoever was embracing him. Unfortunately, he was unable. Whoever had their grip on him didn't intend to let go--with their arms thrown hazardously around his midsection in a tight hold.

"Stop moving, damn nerd." hot breath spread out onto Izuku's neck, tickling him. He jumped, recognizing the voice instantly.

"K-Kacchan!" he winced as (the newly discovered) Katsuki practically strangled his waist.

"Go the fuck back to sleep." the blonde growled. Izuku blushed deeply, going still immediately. He couldn't recall what had happened the night before for Katsuki to be sleeping with him and it almost hurt to try and remember. He was clothed, thankfully, but that just made the situation more confusing.

"Ah....Kacchan?" Izuku tentatively called the explosive hero's name. The only response he got was a painful squeeze and an annoyed huff. Flinching, the boy decided it was probably best to cooperate for the next couple of hours.

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