Heartbeat ✖ III

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Their first kiss was explosive. And no, not because there were 'fireworks' and 'sparks' when their lips met. No, it was quite the opposite. One second Katsuki was leering at Izuku across his desk and the next their lips were together.

Someone (who has the biggest balls in the world) had pushed Katsuki. It wasn't a casual push either. They clearly meant to embarrass the blonde. And, unfortunately, it worked.

The unnamed person, who had mysteriously not been identified even after the incident, smirked slyly, trotted past Katsuki's slightly hunched form, and nudged the mid-section of his back. Even with his fighting prowess, Katsuki wasn't quite balanced enough to fight the strength of gravity. And with a collection of shocked (and impressed) gasps, Katsuki was kissing Izuku. It was completely accidental.

But, let's be honest, gay accidents are still gay and that'll be the talk of the school for weeks.

Smol Bonus;

Izuku felt his face light up. Katsuki was kissing him. He repeated that phrase over and over in his mind and somewhere along the lines, it died alongside any coherent reactions he may have had. All he could focus on was his beating heart and the slightly chapped lips of his childhood friend. It might have only lasted for a few seconds (and it may have resulted in a lot of burns and bruises), but Izuku couldn't help to momentarily enjoy the accidental affection. And lucky for him, more would be to come.

Second Smol Bonus (I'm such a good author, right?);

Katsuki hated himself. Not because he couldn't even resist the push of some shitty extra (although that did piss him off), but because he enjoyed kissing Izuku. At first, all he could think about was an unearthly rage and need to kill whoever was responsible for causing his embarrassment. But then, once he was home, he wondered if he could somehow force Izuku to kiss him again (without making a fool out of himself). He was curious. And he hated it. Unfortunately for him, more would be to come.

Let's not talk about how I haven't updated in forever. Next chapter something special is planned. It's not going to be a heartbeat, but rather....a HEARTBREAK! Prepare for the angst~!

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