Chapter One

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"I love it" my mother sighed looking up at the old fashioned house that stood in front of us.

"Don't you, Emily?" She asked turning around to face me and taking my dad's hand.

"Yeah, I guess" I said not taking my eyes off the book I'm my hands. it was suddenly ripped from my grasp and I looked up to see my dad holding it in front of him.

"Hey!" I snapped grabbing it and placing it carefully back in my lap.
"be careful with that" I mumbled.

"Come on Em" he said stretching his hand out for me to take. I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed his hand following both my parents, and the estate agent, into what we would now call our new home.


*one month later*

I attempted to stay hidden as I watched my dad talk to one of his 'patients' from the doorway of his study.

My father worked as a psychiatrist, it was one of the reasons we moved into a bigger house. so he could bring patients here and do his job, at the same time as spending time with Me and Mum. I don't see why people ever bother coming to talk to my Dad. I mean that's all they do. talk.

It doesn't even help people. It can't right? just sitting and talking to a stranger for and hour or so, a few times a week, surely can't change you in anyway.

He has a lot of people that are classed as crazy come and speak to him, and they are usually regular patients that he sees on a regular basis all the time. And I am usually standing in this very spot that I am now, listening. but I had never seen this one before, he looked very young, around my age, maybe older?

He had dark hair, and everything he wore was black, including his old worn out boots which looked like they had been torn apart by some sort of dog. but there was one thing that stood out, his eyes where a bright green colour, and seemed to be the first thing I noticed when I watched him walk in.

He seemed normal, not like most of the people my dad sees. right now, he was telling my Dad about these strange recurring dreams he had been having, where he would walk straight into the school he used to attend and kill everyone of his classmates. I stayed quiet as I listened in on the rest of their conversation.

"So, do you kill everyone of your classmates in these dreams? people you don't like? maybe people that hurt you in some way?" my dad asked.

"I kill people I like" the boy said.

"And why do you do this? is there a reason behind your behaviour in these dreams?"

"I think there is"

"Would you feel comfortable explaining it to me?" my dad asked leaning forward in his seat as he began to speak.

"Well, I know what's coming, and I know no one can stop me, including myself. I kill people I like. Some of them beg for their life but I don't feel sad. I don't feel anything. It's a filthy world we live in. It's a filthy goddamn helpless world, and honestly, I feel like I am helping to take them away from the shit and the piss that runs through the street. I am helping to take them somewhere clean and kind" the boy said, the expression on his face not changing whatsoever.

"Right, but have you ever thought that maybe your classmates enjoyed their life? you may not, but they do, maybe they don't want to die?"

"The world is a filthy place; It's a filthy goddamn horror show. There's so much pain, you know? There's so much. and I don't think anyone would really want to live here, I think that I would be doing them a favour, most people don't realise it but they don't want to live in this world, some people just don't have a choice" he said. "There is something about all that blood; The Indians believed that blood holds all the bad spirits, and once a month in ceremonies they would cut themselves to let the spirits go free. Now, there is something smart about that, very smart. I like that."

My dad didn't say anything, he nodded slightly trying to conjure up something to say.

"You think I'm crazy don't you?" the boys asked smirking slightly.

"You know what, Harry?" my dad asked, Harry.

"I think we should wrap this up here, and continue next week!" my dad said standing up and shaking Harry's hand.

"Was nice to speak to you Sir" Harry said before turning around and coming towards the door. I quickly began to walk down the corridor pretending to just be walking past the room.

"I saw you, you know" I heard him behind me, just as he was about to exit the house.

"Excuse me?" I asked turning around to face him.

"I saw you, you know it's not a very good idea to stand in a doorway when there is a mirror on the other side of the room" he smirked before stepping out the front door and smiling at me one more time before closing it.


Yes, I am aware there where quite a few American Horror Story quotes used in this chapter. and there probably will be throughout the whole book!

But thank you for reading! and share it with your friends, if you have any..


OkAy, anyway i hope you enjoy this story!:)


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