Chapter Eleven

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~Emily's P.O.V~

"You cock sucking son of a bitch!" The boy snarls wobbling on his feet as he holds his jaw.

"Go on Niall, Punch him!" one of the boys shout, obviously I'm the only one on Harry's side here.

Harry's face is set in determination, anticipating what to do next. As the three boys shout profanities at the two men squabbling in front of me, all I can do is watch. they collide explosively in a tangle of limbs you can't quite make out. In quick succession Harry's fist sinks into Niall's abdomen.

By now two or three people passing on the street have stopped to watch them fighting. Soon Niall is on top of Harry throwing punches at him, although Harry manages to block them only getting away with two or three punches to the face.

Soon enough Harry is back on top of Niall throwing punches back at him hitting him straight in the face a few times. As his knee comes in contact with Niall's stomach I can't help but let a gasp escape my lips and my hand comes to cover my mouth as the hits increase.

Soon one of the boys surrounding them pulls Niall away from Harry and he steps back wiping blood from the corner of his mouth.

This wasn't the Harry that I knew.

~Harry's P.O.V~

Niall is suddenly pulled away from underneath me by Zayn, who drags him away. I stand up watching as Niall spits blood out onto the pavement his friends asking him if he was alright.

I turn around to face Emily, I had actually forgot she was stood there. my Heart dropping as she stared at me in horror. I had vowed to never scare her away, but realised I had failed once she began to back away from me.

"No, Emily please" I said my hand reaching for her, but she flinches away.

My pleads turning into cries of pain as she backs away at my try of contact.

"Emily, please don't do that, don't be scared" my eyes turning glassy at the rejection.

The monster I dreaded with all of my heart was seen by the girl I thought I might have loved. My heart breaking at the sight of tears rolling down her cheeks.

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