Chapter 1

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"Sofia?" Arizona tried to grab her daughter's attention, "Sofia! No phones at the dinner table." Unwillingly, the teen took her eyes off the glowing screen and stared at her mother with a look that could kill. "Now, Sofia". She obliged and slid the phone onto her lap. This was the only time Sofia would see her Mom this week, she was too busy working most nights, it was the perfect time to ask. Half of her wanted the real answer and the other half wanted to make her Mom uncomfortable as revenge for the no phones rule.

"Is it true that Mama slept with the doctor who killed Uncle Derek?" Sofia's face remained emotionless as she waited for a reply. She had heard her Moms' arguing about it last night. Arizona stopped eating, unsure of how to reply. "Your Mama's past relationships are none of your business and we don't talk about them, especially not at dinner." She dodged the question, Sofia knew her Mom's tactics and she knew how to beat them. "Is that why we don't talk about my dad? Or is it because it reminds you that I'm not your kid?" Sofia's words filled the air but received no reply, Arizona didn't even look up. The silence felt like it would never stop.

The familiar ring of Arizona's phone broke the tension. She reached into her pocket and accepted the call, ignoring the snarky comment from Sofia about the no phones rule. The voice on the other end of the line sounded serious. "Hello Dr Robbins, I'm Mr Peters, the principal of West Seattle High School." Arizona knew her daughter and she knew this wouldn't be a call saying Sofia was on the honour roll. "How can I help you, Mr Peters?"

Sofia was sat at the dining room table. Tapping her foot nervously, she knew what was coming. The worst thing was her Mom finding out, she had hidden it so well. "Sofia, kitchen. Now. We need to talk." The sound hit Sofia's ears like knives. This was it.

"Really? Really? I can't believe you!" The rage boiled inside her, "It is one thing skipping school, but drugs! You can't go to class high, you can't go anywhere high! You shouldn't be high! What is wrong with you?" Arizona waited for an answer, she prayed this was a case of mistaken identity or a prank or anything except reality. "It isn't a big deal." This flippant comment angered Arizona further. "No big deal? Sure, it's no big deal. You're excluded from school and you have a criminal record but it's not a big deal! How are you so stupid?"

"I don't have to take this shit from you. You're not my parent!" Sofia stormed out the kitchen. Arizona was too mad to follow her. 'How did this happen?' she thought to herself. Her mind spiralled into images of Sofia ruining her own life, a homeless addict, that's her future. The bang of the front door snapped Arizona back into reality. It took her milliseconds to realise what that bang meant, she ran and opened the front door but Sofia had already gone.

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