Chapter 2

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'She's dead.' It had been two hours and that's all Arizona could think, 'She's dead and it's my fault.' The words echoed in her head. Pacing the kitchen, she rang Sofia repeatedly. Each call going unanswered, for once Arizona wished her daughter would look at her phone.

As the clock struck 11pm there was only one option left before she called the police. Call Callie. 'She'll never trust me again, I lost our fucking kid!' Arizona's fingers hesitated over the dial button, just for a moment, just to give Sofia a chance to walk through the door.

Tears fell down her face at the thought of telling Callie. All the anger Arizona felt had subsided, pushed out the way by pure sadness. She would give anything for Sofia to be safe.

"Dr Torres, you have a call." A nurse stood at the door of Callie's office. Callie shook her head, she didn't have time for this, not today. She had promised Sofia she would be home by 1am and at this rate she would have to break that promise. "I don't have time, can't you see I'm busy." She signalled to the nurse to leave the room. "It is Dr Robbins, it's about Sofia." The nurse held out the phone, Callie snatched it from her hand and shooed her away.

"Arizona, you there?" There was no reply from her wife, "Arizona is everything okay?" Again there was no reply, just a faint sound of her wife's breath. "Arizo.." Callie was interupted by Arizona sobbing. "I..I lost her," She stuttered  "She left, we got in a fight and she left. That was 3 hours ago, what if she's dead?" Callie was in shock, she just stood listening, but she couldn't get emotional not until Sofia was home. "Arizona, I will be there in 30 minutes, we will find her. I promise."

They had been driving for hours, it felt like they had looked everywhere, they had looked everywhere. "Are you going to tell me what this arguement was about?" Callie put her hand on Arizona's leg. "Cal, I can't tell you, it would just make you worried." Even this made Callie more worried. "I think we should go home and call the police." Arizona nodded.

Pulling up in the driveway, the headlights illuminated a figure sat on the porch. It was Sofia. Arizona jumped out the car before it had even stopped, "Sofia! Where the hell were you?" Callie parked the car and stood next to her wife. Sofia stood up to greet them stumbling towards them. "Heyyyy, look it's my Moms!" She slurred her words and grinned incessantly.

The smell of alcohol was so potent it couldn't be ignored. "Are you fucking drunk?" Arizona's anger returned, "We were out worried sick and you were getting drunk? How dare you!" Callie laid her hand on Arizona's shoulder, "Zona, can you go inside, I think me and Sofia need to talk." Her wife turned to Callie, "Fine but you should know, our daughter is a drug addict, I will see you inside."

"Sofia, is what your Mom said true?" Callie held on to her daughter, steadying her. Sofia laughed "She's not my Mom." "Sofia". "It's true, you proud Mama? Of your little girl? Are you proud of the mess I've become?" With each word Sofia's voice became louder, more aggressive. She pulled away from her Mama, and began to sob. Callie sighed, "Let's get you to bed, we can talk about this tomorrow."

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