Chapter 2: The Journey

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   Charlotte had never been more nervous. She had been working for the next month and a half to figure out how to make the letter look like it was from a non magical boarding school in Britain. It required manipulating the Mist, not an easy feat.

   She walked up to the door of her house when she heard what sounded like her father running around getting ready to go back to Harvard and the sound of distant voices. Charlotte sighed as she walked inside. "Papa, I'm home!" Charlotte called out, letting her bag drop to the floor. She heard her father from his study "Just a second honey!" There was a small crash before her father walked down the stairs and smiled, "Welcome home my dear."

   "Good to be home papa." Charlotte began, glancing nervously at the envelope in her hand. " I received this letter while I was at camp, it's from a school out in London. They said that I could attend and I already told them I would. I have to leave soon so I can go to London and get my books before the school year." She said quickly. She handed her father the letter, snapping her fingers at her side before her father scanned over the envelope. Her father smiled, "I remember this school, went to it myself when I was your age. I'm proud they accepted you as a student." 

   This brought a small sigh of relief from Charlotte. "I already looked at flights and there's one bound for London a few days from now." 

   "You're very on top of this aren't you Charlie?"

   "Yes papa," Charlotte smiled, "Is Bentley upstairs?"

   "In his cage." Her father replied. Charlotte picked up her bag and walked up to her room. The walls were covered in not only shelves of books, but also music sheets pinned to a cork board. A cello was sitting on a stand in the farthest corner of the room. There was a cage next to her small bed on the wall to her right. Inside the cage was a black animal running around the cage as Charlotte walked in.

   Charlotte walked over to the cage and pulled out the black ferret, "Hello Bentley." She said to her pet. Bentley gave a small squeal at her and Charlotte smiled, "I'm hoping that means you're excited to see me Bentley." She set her pet ferret down on her bed and began to play with him. She realized that going to Britain for school may mean she'd have to leave Bentley behind. Maybe her father would take care of Bentley while she was away. Bentley squeaked as she played with him, without even knowing Charlotte was going to be leaving again. This bought a small laugh from Charlotte, who loved her ferrets playful nature to no end. 

   She heard her father's footsteps come up the stairs and walk towards her room. "Charlotte,  just bought your ticket to London, your flight is three days from now."

   "Enough time to study up and have clothes ready for me when I leave." Charlotte grinned. "I may stay at school over the holidays, I doubt I would be able to fly out here and be able to spend much time with you before having to fly back." She added sadly. Her father seemed to understand. "So I assume I have Bentley for the year?" Charlotte just nodded. "I thought so." He added with a small smile.

    Her father set an envelope on her desk. "Money for books and anything else you'll need for the school year, plus a little extra for a present from me at Christmas." 

   "Of course papa."

   "So pizza and a movie on me before you leave." This brought a grin to Charlotte's face as she leapt off her bed and threw her arms around her father, "that would be amazing!" She squealed. 

~Timeskip to London~ 

   Charlotte glanced around as she held her bags tighter. She was hopelessly alone in London and she had no clue where to go. This was fantastic. She wanted to call Annabeth, she wanted to turn around and go home, she wanted to scream, but she couldnt. Not now. Annabeth hadn't told her one thing about finding her way to the wizard place she was to get her supplies, if the owl fails, find someone who will get you to the Leaky Cauldron, whatever that was. She was done for, she wouldn't get to Hogwarts and all this would've been for nothing. 

   She began to walk down the street when she ran into someone. Groaning, she rubbed her face and looked up to see black hair and green eyes. "Percy?" She asked without thinking. 

   "I'm sorry," he said with a British accent, "I think you've mistaken me with someone else. My name is Harry." He smiled. 

   "My gosh, I'm so sorry." Charlotte began. "I'm kinda lost and you reminded me of my sister's boyfriend. I seriously cannot find my way around for the life of me. I'm Charlie by the way." She added quickly, looking quite embarrassed. The boy smiled, "maybe I can help."

   "Maybe, I'm looking for a place called-" Charlotte glanced at her bare forearm. "The Leaky Cauldron?" Charlotte looked up to see Harry smiling. Confusion set over her face. "Umm..."

   "I know where that is." Harry said, grabbing her arm and pulling her down the street. "Where are we going?" To this, Harry kept smiling. Charlotte looked over him, that same calculating look that she had seen on her own sister. Charlotte noticed that there was a scar on his forehead shape she like... "A lightning bolt?" She suddenly asked. Harry glanced back at her. "It's a long story I'm sure you heard." 

   Charlotte shook her head, "no, I've never heard of you. Sorry."

   "No need to apologize." Harry stopped in front of a building that you wouldn't notice unless you were walking slow enough. Charlotte looked up, "This is it Harry?" Harry nodded as he walked inside, Charlotte following closely still clutching her bags tightly in her hands.

Wisdom's Witch {Percy Jackson/Harry Potter crossover}Where stories live. Discover now