Chapter 1

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3rd person

A dark, looming circle appears above the Olympus throne room. Every God, major and minor alike, all coming to an abrupt stop. Gazing wearily at the circle, Zeus stands up materialising his lightning bolt and pointing it toward the now void like hole in the air. He edges his way closer, slowly yet surely. As soon as he is about 3 foot way from the hole a being dressed in all black, hooded cloak and all drops through. Landing straight in front of Zeus, cause him to raise his bolt up threateningly.

"Fear not Zeus." The hooded figure said, raising a pale hand. "You probably don't recognise me without my siblings.

"Well. Who are you then?" Zeus orders.

"Atropos. Fate of death. And I bring a warning to you all!" He projects his voice. Zeus' eyes widen to the size of flying saucers.

Atropos looks around, until he lands on two people. Standing way closer than they should.
"Tell me. Are you the two searching for Perseus Jackson? And the reason he left?" He makes his way closer to the two minors.

They both nod their heads. "Yes, sir, Percy -"


"Yes Perseus, sorry, he's my cousin. Much like a brother really. And she, is his girlfriend." Nick voices, strongly.

"Funny. If you were his 'brother' as you say and you were his girlfriend... how come you are sleeping together. And have been for the past millennia?" Atropos claims. There were many gasps to be heard throughout the throne room.

"Pfttt there's no way! Nico here is my boyfriend and who would cheat on the greatest demigod to have ever lived!" Amber, daughter of Ares boasts.

"Of course... a daughter of Ares claiming she's the best. But why don't we as Annabeth why she cheated on the greatest demigod ever." Atropos sassed.

All eyes went to Annabeth, yet the only thing she did was burst out crying. Atropos mumbled pathetic under his breath, turning back to Zeus.

"Zeus, as you know a war is coming... and you won't win this now without Perseus. Yet it will take a mass amount of convincing on his mothers and siblings part." Atropos composes himself.

"Who is his mother?" Poseidon asks. He knows Sally is now living in Elysium. Along with Paul so it can't be her.

"Well he has new parents now... Lady Chaos and her brother, Order. Though, Order is no longer a being. He's now just a consciousness, forbidden from leaving the void after aiding in the destruction of some planet." Atropos announces. Leaving everyone shocked.

"So he's.. a primordial?" Athena voices.

Atropos nods. "He's the primordial of the Seas, after Pontos faded. His other domains are Loyalty, Bravery, Honour, Ice and Demigods. Meaning the ancient laws don't matter to him, much like Artemis and Hera. He is also know as the Giver of Earth as he inherited Gaias power after the war. See it as a reward from the good Gaea." Again you could hear a pin drop.

"Wait. Wait. Why is Hera not in the ancient laws?" Zeus asks, clearly confused.

Atropos sighs "They don't matter to her as she doesn't actually have any Demigod kids. Meaning she has no child to not talk to or see."
They all nod, understanding.

"You best hope he helps... because all the titans are rising again, and some primordials have given them a boost." Atropos flashes out, leaving everyone with questions.

After a moments silence, Chaos erupts engulfing the entire throne room leaving everyone shouting and getting no where.

Again everything dies down as Apollo starts glowing, he is lifted out of his seat and his voice involuntarily projects itself.
"To settle the betrayed score
The brave shall shock Olympus to the core
Marriage of the Sea shall rue the king
After the war there will be a promised wedding ring
They later will be thanked for their candor
All due to the commander
As they are the creators best
The camps are to be blessed"

Athena instantly looks puzzled whilst Apollo slowly levitates down. Muttering something about a head rush.

"Athena?" Zeus asks.

"Well... I'm pretty sure the creator is Lady Chaos, the sea could mean either Poseidon or Perseus." She replies. Still thinking about the prophecy.

"I think that maybe the betrayed is Perseus. Meaning that he will also more than likely be the Sea as well." Hera chips in.

"I agree with Hera on that one. Perseus was betrayed for no reason. All because of us not believing him when it came to Annabeth. He asked for death then Zeus tried to smite him. Poseidon disowned him... causing him to run." Ares speaks up. "He's still a punk though."

"Alright. It's getting late. Council dismissed, we will resume tomorrow."
Hello to anyone who actually decides to read this...
Don't worry, I won't try to make this so he's so Op and everything, he still has a fatal flaw of loyalty and all. There will be a happy ending and I will try to make it so he's conflicted whether the gods are worth his time or if he should walk straight to them with open arms. You know what I mean?

Cya later. Saints ⚜️


The Creed Of ChaosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora