Chapter 2

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He sighs, trudging down the grand staircase that connects his whole palace. You'd think that considering his life he would be skipping and hopping down these stairs seen as he owns a palace but nope. Since camp half blood hi life has become fairly boring. No fighting, no friends apart from the good primordials and definitely no happiness.

He's cut out of his thoughts by one of his mothers lieutenants knocking the door then entering with a massive push. "Lord Perseus, Milady has requested to see you." Gaining a grunt in response and the lieutenant disappears quickly.

He materialises a coat and flashes outside his mothers castle. The cold making steam appear around him from the warmth. Not to which he can really feel since losing his human arm left him almost sensory unable.

He pushes the castle doors open with ease, nodding to her guards that it was in fact him.

I'm in the throne room Perce. Is all he hears.

With that he continued to the hall behind the stairs, stoping when he see two guards standing as Anubis' guards would to protect his tomb.

"I'm here to see Lady Chaos." He thunders authoritatively, they nod their heads, removing their staffs out of his way.

He walk down the carpeted room, and stop a few feet from her throne. Bowing his head as a sign of respect.

"Mother, you wanted to see me?" He asks, almost rhetorical.

"Yes Percy, something bad is rising with the help of some of my children. I believe they are slowly bringing back all of the Titans that they can."

He instantly sighs, already know what she's going to ask of her son. "Why. Why can't they defend themselves for once. Name one war I haven't helped them in. Oh let my help you, there wasn't any."

"Perseus. Don't you dare use that tone with me. You are the giver of Earth thanks to your sister! They are part of your domain... if anything you have to help really." My mother strikes back.

He goes to argue back but realise theres no point. He sighs once again. "Let me think about it."

She reluctantly nods. "Fine. But you have to make your decision within the hour."

He gives her one last look and flashes to Gaeas temple, after all Gaea chose to share the Earth with him. Maybe he could get some light shed on the new revelation.

"Percy! How are you? I guess mother told you by the look on that face..." She comes walking toward him. Thanks to the telepathic sibling bond they share they can feel each other.

"You knew?" He asks.

"Well, I am the primordial of Earth. I sure as hell hope I would know if it were to be in any kind of danger."

He nods, albeit understandingly. "I should help, I know I should. As a thanks to you but also as there will be demigods fighting in this war and if I don't uphold my loyalty to them I'll be a fraud."

"Yes, however you will be keeping your loyalty to us. As we cannot get involved in these situations. Only you can." Her words sink. He's the only one who can help. He doesn't know what's going on back on Earth, Artemis may not have her hunt and Hera may have kids, though the latter seems unlikely.

"Have you decided?" She continues, to which he lowly nods his head.

"I feel like I'm giving back into them. Letting them control me once again," he sighs.

"If you don't go they would've won. They would've taken the loyalty out of you Percy, they would've got rid of you. Don't let them do that." Gaea always spoke the wisest words.

Perseus nods, more firmly this time. "I'll see you soon."

And with that, he disappeared through a sea breeze.

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