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Sebastian: Hello, everybody!

Fernando: This is so strange. I am confused.

Sebastian: About the fact that it was another awful year but you still in F1 or the fact that I deal with Ferrari better than you?

Marcus: Oh Jesus, not again...

Valtteri: Call me just "Friend", Marcus

Fernando: More confused about the fact that you lost your championship faster than I was loosing power.

Lewis: That. Deserves. Applauses.

Kevin: 👏🏻

Nico: 👏🏻

Daniel: 👏🏻

Sebastian: Fuckers.

Daniel: Guys, I miss you all, so bored without F1....

Lewis: Not sure if I should come back...

Kevin: Sebastian is praying for you to retire...

Valtteri: LOL true.

Sebastian: why do everybody hate me?

Fernando: Cause you are an asshole.

Daniel: Pretty argument.

Sebastian Vettel left the group

Valtteri: I felt it coming


Valtteri: ... and that too.

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