Introductions + Explanation

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HEeELLlOo EvEErYyOnne! Lepus here and I am here to reintroduce my fabulous self and give y'all an explanation 'cause I think you guys deserve one. So you all have read in the description My Hero is now a rewrite, it's pretty self explanatory. I am rewriting My Hero, for that reason is because I looked over my previous works and I couldn't help myself but cringe. My dumb self made so many errors and I just couldn't really handle it! I didn't want to end the book! NO WAY WILL I EVER!! Everyone loves this book a lot and every time I get a notification from Wattpad I couldn't help but smile and tear up seeing people vote for my story or even adding it to their Read Lists. I really appreciate the support. I'm sorry to everyone that has been waiting for me, who have been patient with me. You all are amazing! I've been so busy, as you all may relate I am a high school student and is quite busy with various of responsibilities, including those of finding a job and/or babysitting younger siblings and chores. I promise you ALL! MY SHINING COMETS! I will get this story done! And please! If anything, suggest what you want in this story; I will change something's here and there as stated in the description and I want to make sure you all will agree to my idea of rewriting the story.

SO! I will begin the introductions~

Hello! Bonjour! 여보세요! สวัสดี! My name is Lepus~ I am your average high school teenager who struggles in life and has very poor self management skills but y'all love me anyways ;D I am here to fulfill your fanfic needs so please stay tuned for my other works. I actually have one I'm still working on so be ready for that. Any suggestions please message me or comment down. If y'all just want to be friends message me anytime! I am as social as a rock! Moving on to le star of the fanfic, ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO YOU! READER-CHAN AKA [F/N]!!!!


Okay, okay calm thyself, Lepus [comment down if y'all got that ;) ]

Full name: [L/N] [F/N]

Age: Depends on when Lepus-chan puts the characters in

Height: whatever you want

Weight: R00D

Quirk: Sinners

Occupation: Student

Description of her quirk: The quirk 'Sinners' is a quirk that manifests the forms of the 7 Deadly Sins. Her quirk is known to be incredibly unique and so powerful if she learned to use it with great control. The Con of this quirk is if she uses the quirk too much or even use more than 3 forms in battle one of the demons will take control of her body. Other cons include blistering on her feet and high body temperatures. [I guess you can say, you'll be as hot as hell *snaps and does le finger guns* I'll go now]

Personality: [F/N], a mysterious girl who keeps things to herself. She's actually quite the outgoing person once you look passed her blank face and monotonous speech. She's different when being around different people. She's actually shy and some may find the way she acts is cute *cough* Shouto *cough* [F/N] is a determined and brave girl, she's the definition of perfection! Her personality may be of a strange mix but she doesn't care. She may be doubtful of things but she'll always see the good in them eventually.


Midoriya Izuku - Adoptive Brother

Midoriya Inko - Adoptive mother

(Others will be added further in the story)

That's it for the introduction! I will start writing the story as soon as possible! Maybe I'll start now seeing I'm still awake at 2 am sooooo~ wish me luck and hope I don't face plant on the keyboard!

His little lady ;;حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن