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After a long day/night of babysitting we finally fell out around 1am. Her brother fell out about 10 then me and Jen stayed up and watched a movie.

But now I am back in my condo and I missed it. I needed to work out after all the junk me and Jen ate the last few days. So I texted Brennan.

To Brennan: gym?

Brennan: meet there in 30 min?

To Brennan: sounds good! 😘

I quickly changed into a mint green/black work out sports bra, mint green/black work out capris, and white Nike trainers. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and put on a white 'next step cast' hoodie. I grabbed my gym bag and left.


"Man we should hit the gym. I feel fat", Brian said.

" Well you should. You ate a whole box of pizza", I joked.

"So did you", he shouted jokingly.

" I know Im fat. I mean look at these rolls", I joked. Im no where near fat. I have a 6 pack of abs. So does Brian but we really do eat a lot.

"So lets hit the gym", he said running to his room. I laugh but go to my room to get ready. I throw on a dark gray Nike tank, black basketball shorts, and Nike trainers. I grabbed my gym bag and we left.


Its only been like 20 minutes since I got here and we started working out. We ended up doing chin ups. Im always been up to hold the longest between us both.

" Dude that chick has been holding up for 2 or 3 minutes now", a voice said.

"Damn she must be like she hawk", the other joked. I scoffed and jumped down. I walked over to them.

" No she is just a dancer and use to it", I said and walked over to Brennan. We took a selfie and uploaded it.

VicBalde: at the gym with the best workout buddy #brennan#akaDaniel#nextstep

InstagramVicBalde: at the gym with the best workout buddy #brennan#akaDaniel#nextstep

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TrevorTordjman: that's ridiculous! I thought I was the best?

JordanClarke: bestie with the other bestie without me?

LamarJohnson: when we hanging?

AlexandraB: I miss you guys 😫😫

Shawnsbae: so pretty vic

Shawnswifey: adorable vick and Bren

CameronDallas: damn ma!

I laughed at the comments coming in.

"Aye Lamar just texted me and wants to hang. How about tomorrow we come and do an abs day", brennan said.

" Sounds good see you then. And tell L to plan a day with me, Trev and Issac! I miss them", I said. He nodded and hugged me goodbye. I went to grab my gym bag by the chin up bar. I picked it up then ended up face to chest with someone.

"Sorry", I said.

" Nah it's fine", the person said. I looked up and noticed it's one of the guys from earlier.

"Wait your the girl that stayed on the bar for 3 minutes", he said.

" I go by Victoria ", I said.

" Im Shawn", he said. He's really cute. Giant but cute. Tall, built, brown curly hair, and brown eyes and a guitar tattoo on his arm.

"Well shawn I need to shower because Im sweaty. So maybe I will see you around", I said nicely.


She's really cute. And I noticed she has some abs going on. Like damn ma! Damn Im around the Jack's, skate, and Sammy to much. Before she left..

" Can I get your number before you leave and make that maybe a yes", I said.

"How about open your insta and I will give you mine", she said. I nodded and handed it to her. She typed it in and handed it back.

" Bye Shawn", she said walking away.

"Bye Vic". I starred after her when Brian stood in front of me.

" Dude you got it bad already", he joked.

"She's ripped and beautiful and that attitude is just hot", I said surprising myself and him.

" So I take it your over Baldwin", he asked.

"Have been for two months dude. Keep up", I said and punching his shoulder jokingly.

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