A Graduation Surprise

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"KYLIE,KYLIE,KYLIE,KYLIE."My name was said about a million times in my face.

I opened my eyes,jumping back to seeing of how close they were.

"Good god Sean,you didn't need to be in front of my face like that."I said,rubbing my eyes.

He smiled.


"Shh,you're gonna wake the neighbors."I said,glancing outside.

"Who cares?You're graduating today!"He said with a smile on his face.

"No,I thought I was taking cooking lessons."I said sarcastically.

He shook his head laughing,

"The same old Ky we know."

"Well,how are you?"Mike asked.

"I'm good,you all?"I asked.

They nodded,as in saying good.

"Your mom made pancakes.."Jerry said.

I then jumped up,running downstairs to the kitchen.

"Did you forget about your big brother?"

I quickly turned and Layne was at the table.

We hugged,

"I missed you Kylie.."he said,hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too Layne.."I said,hugging him back.

"What's this?"He asked as I pulled back from the hug,my hand now a bit bruised and swollen.

"I closed my locker on my hand on accident yesterday.."I lied,looking at my hand.

He drifted away from the subject as mom walked in.

"Good morning my graduating senior!"she said,hugging me.

"Morning mom."I said,hugging her.

She released the hug and smiled,

"Now both of my babies are grown up."She said,pulling Layne and I into a hug.

"Oh!Kylie,you better get ready for school.The bus will be here soon."Mom said,looking at the time.

I nodded,I ate 2 pancakes and went upstairs to take a shower.

After my shower I got dressed and grabbed my back pack,

I then ran down the stairs and put my graduation stuff in a bag and put it in my back pack.

I looked outside at the bus stop,

The kids from yesterday were there..

I became extremely nervous as into what could happen today..especially on graduation day.

"Uh..mom,can I get a ride to school actually?"I asked,looking out the window.

"S-oh!Layne said he'll drive you!"she said.

I flipped my attention away from the window and the kids and to Layne.

Layne walked out of the kitchen,the keys to HIS car in hand.

Now they won't know who it is in the car..


I ran out to the car and sat in the front,

Quickly shutting the door and buckling my seatbelt,looking back to see the kids still there.

Layne then got in,

Being His Sister (Alice In Chains/Layne Staley)Where stories live. Discover now