New Experience

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After a while of driving,we had finally pulled up to this garage place.
There was another car in this large abandoned parking lot,two people stood outside of the car talking.
They quickly turned their attention to our car as we drove closer.
One of them waved at us,smiling.
We parked next to them,everybody got out of the car,besides me.
I stayed in the car,watching at how they all went and talked to the two men.
One of the men directed their attention towards me by pointing,I was nervous to get out.
They all turned back and saw I was still in the car,Jerry waved for me to come out.
I sighed,getting out of the car and shutting the door.
I walked over silently,not saying a word.
The guy who had waved to us earlier smiled at me,putting his hand out for a shake saying,"Hi,I'm Eddie Vedder."
I shook it,"Kylie Staley."
Eddie's hand was warm,I quickly released afterwards.
He noticed,I guess he knew I had the shy card going.
The other man faced his attention to me,"I'm Chris Cornell."he said smiling.
I waved,both of these men looked awfully familiar.
"This is who we'll be touring and hanging with for the next couple of months."Sean said,smiling.
I looked back at them,then to Chris&Eddie nodding.
"Well we should meet the other guys at the bus place."Chris said,standing up straight.
We all went into our cars,but Mike and Sean joined Chris and Eddie in their car.
I got in the car,buckled up,and soon after we pulled out and followed Chris&Eddie to the bus place where there were others to meet..

We were all situated on the busses,I had met the other guys.
Turns out,me being me that I'm so stupid,we were touring with Soundgarden and Pearl Jam.
Well Kylie,way to play the idiot card.
Eddie had joined us on our bus until the first stop,which happened to be in California.
Long hours were now ahead of us..
I was sitting in the back,watching out the window as the cars passed by.
I soon felt another presence sit next to me,it was Eddie.
"Hey,I can see you're shy but that's okay because I was too.I still am now,but not as bad."He said.
"Really?"I asked.
"Yes,I was so afraid before but something came out of me which led me to be who I am today."He smiled,looking at me.
"Wow.."I said,glancing at him then back out the window.
He stood up,patted my back,leaving me alone but before leaving,"You should get some rest,where we're playing is gonna take a while to get to."He said then leaving.
I took Eddie's advice,laying down and shutting my eyes to rest in a slumber.

"Kylie,"my name was called.
I opened my eyes,Layne stood there.
"Oh hey."I said a little confused.
"We're here so,don't get comfortable for too long."He laughed,leaving the room.
I sighed as I sat up.
I turned to the side of the bed and put on my shoes and swiped my sweatshirt,throwing it on myself.
I yawned a bit and went into the bathroom,I splashed water on my face to wake me up a bit and decided to put on a small amount of make-up as I rarely ever wore any.
I applied a small touch of eyeliner and walked out of the bathroom and walked outside with the guys,planting myself next to Layne.
"sleepyhead's up!"Sean yelled as if he hadn't seen me in ages.
the guys all laughed giving me a look,
"I'm just playing with ya,Kylie."Sean laughed as I had a serious face.
I smiled,I couldn't hold it in anymore.
"are you excited for the show?"Jerry asked.
"hell yes!but I mostly can't wait to be in the front row next to shouting fans screaming my brother's name and his best friends' names and how they want to have their babies!"I laughed,nudging Layne as he and the guys laughed along.
"what can I say?ladies love me."Mike said cockily striking a pose.
"do that at the show and we'll see about that."I said.
Layne had to hold in his laughter just like the others as mike walked away.
"he'll get over it."Jerry said as we all watched Mike go on the bus.
It was Mike,of course he would he knows I'm only joking.


The boys were in the bus playing a game of cards to pass some time,I told them I was going to step outside to go get something from the local convenient store across the street.
I walked into the store and went to grab myself a Gatorade.
As I walked up to the counter I placed a pack of mint gum on the counter and requested a 'special prize' as I called it,once I had payed for everything I stepped outside and took out the 'special prize'.
I selected one and slid it into my mouth,lighting it carefully,taking in a drag and releasing.
I then began walking back to the arena area,taking slow paces.
Just then I was pushed aside to a wall,I looked at who had pushed me.
"Jerry?!"I exclaimed,surprised.
"What in all hell do you think you're doing?!"He yelled,furiously as he stared deep into my face like I had two heads.
"What do you mean?"I questioned.
"The fucking cigarette,Kylie!"He shouted,pointing to the lit cigarette I held.
I was speechless with words.
He sighed,"Does your brother know about this?"He asked.
I shook my head no.
Jerry gave another heavier sigh,
"He'd kill you if he found out you had these,you know that right?"He asked.
"Maybe."I replied softly,he was right.
"I'm not regular with these,it's only occasional I promise."I said,taking one last drag and stomping it to the ground.
He looked at me with disbelief,I was 18 I mean I had my rights to buy those but he was right,I guess I'll stop..
"Please Jerry,just don't tell Layne.I beg you."I said,putting my hands together in a praying symbol.
"Fine,this is our little secret.I don't want to see you with one of those again."He said firmly,then walked off.
I watched as he walked off,I took the pack out of my pocket and took one last look at them.
I walked over to the nearest trash bin,throwing them inside.
I then sighed and walked back over to the bus,walking inside and taking a seat next to Layne.
They were all laughing and having fun,then Layne looked at me curiously.
"How come you smell like cigarette smoke?"He asked,eying me curiously.
"Oh,when I was walking out of the store there were these kids smoking,I had accidentally bumped into one of them them as I had walked of the store."I said,trying my best to cover up my lie.
He nodded,continuing on with the game.
that was a close one.

As it grew later on into the evening I grew tired very quickly,but I had to stay awake to see my brother and his friends preform.
"It's almost time,let's get going!"Mike exclaimed to us,having us all leave the bus.
I had freshened up earlier and was currently wearing a flannel,jeans,and an alice shirt to support the guys.
"See you guys out on stage!"I called as I went to go to my seat.
I now stood at the very front of the stage,I was so excited to see the guys preform.
There were tons of screaming fans next to me shouting for the boys to come on and talking about their favorites.
I laughed at some of their comments,it always amused me.
Just then the whole scenery changes and out came the boys.
I watched as they each came out,everyone in place.
I looked at Layne,I remember how he always wanted to be on stage as a kid and now here he was pursuing his dreams.
"This first song is called Confusion."Layne announced into the microphone,the music then starting up quickly afterwards.

As it grew later on in the night I was so overjoyed,I had sang along to the songs and danced around.I must say I was probably acting as a fan girl myself.
The show had ended and people were leaving,I was all hyped up as I had enjoyed the show so much.
I ran backstage,and went to their room.
"That was fucking amazing!"I shouted as soon as I entered,quickly getting their attention.
"You guys all did so well,I had so much fun it was amazing!"I shouted again,smiling.
"Thank you,Kylie."Sean laughed.
Layne then walked in from behind me,
"Layne!"I shouted.
He quickly turned back,
"You were amazing.You're finally living your dreams."I smiled.
He smiled and walked over giving me a hug,
"I'm glad you thought it was good,I'm also so glad you came along."He said.
"I wouldn't have missed it for anything,I have to show my support for my brother and all!"I laughed,getting a laughing reaction from Layne as well.
It was then time to go back to the busses and head off to the next city as we had 2 days off before the next show.

We all crammed inside the bus and went out separate ways,I went into the little bunk I had and kicked off my shoes and cuddled up into the blanket.
I shut my eyes as I had felt energy drained out of me from the concert,I was beat and tired.
I fell asleep to hearing some soft singing and a guitar,these next few months were going to be something new..

hi guys!sorry if this is super shitty I had like half of it written for a longtime and just kind of winged it,but I promise the next chapters coming up will be better!
thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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