Chapter 4 - Another Brick in the Wall

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I was sitting in a café bored out of my mind. I had explored literally every last corner of this town and the next towns and the ones after that.

There was nothing left to explore unless I went more than three hours out in each direction.

Amber was sitting in her room doing what she loved most - tailoring her clothes. She loved reinventing old outfits. It's why we went shopping in Beverly Hills - so that if she screwed it up she'd at least have a backup wardrobe.
I sat in that café all day, just drinking my almond milk latte, focusing on everything around me to try to get those Amber eyes out of my head.

It had been two weeks since the incident in the music store and I hadn't seen either Abraham or his older brother and I was intentionally ignoring most of the town so as to not run into them. Well, the older brother mostly. Abraham seemed like a sweet kid.

But those damn eyes had stayed in my mind. They were literally like nothing I had ever seen before and they had been intense. Intense enough to hit me deeper than I had initially thought. Intense enough to spread goosebumps all over my skin even two weeks later. And that voice...


Usually I would write a song to get intense situations out of my head, but I had vowed not to do that. I didn't mind buying a random kid a guitar but writing music was a level I wasn't prepared to visit. Instead I was sitting down in a café, trying to focus on the next day when I'd start school.

I hadn't gone to normal school since I was ten years old when my first foster parents had decided I should be enrolled in a creative arts school. I hadn't wanted to go because I had wanted to be able to keep seeing my sister at school but they were convinced that I was too talented to focus all my energy on music and that I should be more well rounded. They were right of course, although I was no Picasso or Maddie Ziegler. My forté was still writing and producing music. However, the school had introduced me to directing and choreography which I was also good at and it had improved my music writing skills too - broadened it (technically speaking).

Long story short, I hadn't been to normal school in a long time and I knew I'd be good at English, Art, Music, Psychology and Drama, but as for things like Science, Maths, History, Geography, Sociology and all that other malarkey? I was going to fail miserably.

By the looks of these last two weeks it seemed as though I might have plenty of time to catch up so that was at least some kind of upside.

I knew I wouldn't fit in so I wasn't even worried about that. It didn't bother me. I was more worried about Amber. People either loved her or hated her. She was eccentric and loud and had no care in the world for what anyone thought.

She was always completely herself. She was playful and had a dirty mouth which she always failed to censor.

My goal was to keep my head down and work hard, maybe find out what else I could get into. I'd always found physics fascinating. I was actually really good at physics. I was looking into getting a physics PHD when I was producing music to enhance my knowledge of sounds and physical balance. I always found it fascinating how objects moved and how a clash of particular angles could readjust the direction.

There were so many fascinating things in the world and I wanted to discover them. I just hoped I wouldn't struggle enough to fail miserably.

As for music I was taking it as it comes. I wasn't so opposed to it that I wouldn't do music at all, but I didn't want to go out of my way to really pursue it like I used to. I had had enough. I mean I knew I would have music lessons but I had to find a new hobby to stop myself from writing or actually creating any more music.

And Amber's constant berating these last two weeks about the incident in the music store showed me that I had to keep my nose out of helping people when it came to music. People could figure it out on their own. Wasted talent or not, I would have to stay out of it.

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