Chapter Eight - Bette Davis Eyes

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Putting Alison Myers and Love Trap (which was the name of her album) aside, I had not...

Actually, scrap that. Putting Alison Myers and Music at school aside, the only music-related thing in my life was my morning routine.

Johnny had set up my alarm so it would play a different song every day, most of which were from the eighties. It was his favourite musical era.

I had hooked my alarm to all the speakers in the house so that the song would blast through the whole house every morning at six o'clock.

That morning 'Bette Davis Eyes' played. It was a lot more mellow than most of the songs but I smiled as soon as the first chord played, stretching my arms out before sliding out of bed.

It was such a perfect morning song. I swayed my body to the music slowly as the song played, singing to the song as I walked into the shower.

I had taken a shower last night so I just washed my face and brushed my hair, dancing my way to Amber's room.

"She'll expose you," I sang to my sleeping sister. She wasn't really sleeping. She was a light sleeper and she hated this ritual that Johnny had created.

To be fair, he had created it specifically to get Amber to wake up on time. I was a morning person and always woke up before my alarm went off anyway. I just always danced to the songs because it was fun and brought me an onslaught of great memories.

"Wake up!" I shouted close to her face so she would hear me. The music was playing really loudly.

She waved her arm around to try to get me to go away and I was sure she was grumbling something, but I couldn't hear her over the song.

I pulled her blanket off her and laughed hysterically when she glared at me, running off with her blanket in hand.

I ran down the stairs and started making my breakfast as 'Modern Love' by David Bowie came on.

Whilst the bread was in the toaster I went to turn the speakers down and take the music off.

I took out the avocado from the fridge and put peanut butter on top of the ready toast before placing slices of the avocado.

It was quiet in the house as Angela and David walked into the kitchen. "Good morning," they both greeted at the same time.

"Morning," I replied happily back.

"Shut up," Amber said grumpily as she slumped down.

I pushed her plate of food so it was in front of her and continued eating. I noticed her eyes brightening up a bit at the food in front of her.

We had made a deal a long time ago. She would tolerate the music and get out of bed as long as her breakfast was prepared for her.

"So what are you girls getting up to today?" David asked.

Amber only gave a tired grumble in response as she slowly ate.

"I'll be studying after school with Trevor."

"Why don't you two just come here to study?" Angela asked.

I shook my head. "No, we need to be in the library. We've had one too many occasions where we've needed a book that we don't have and being at the library meant we could just pick it out."

"Well you should invite him over some time," David said.

"Sure, maybe later on though. As soon as I'm in AP Physics I'll be focusing more on getting into AP Math."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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