Part 45

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Emily Prentiss' POV

We slowly walk to the shed. We are all wearing our bulletproof vest and we're all holding our gun. Followed by the others, I carefully enter and, as I'm hearing some noises, I make sign to everyone to stop so I can listen. It's the Unsub talking. He is talking to someone, but the person doesn't seem to respond.

"I think there's another victim," I whisper.

The noise stops.

"Who is there? Show yourself! I know there's someone. If you don't get out of your hiding place, I will kill her."

I don't have any choices. The team and I get out of our hiding place and point our gun at the Unsub. But as soon as he realizes who's in front of him, he takes the young brunette he was threatening and run outside to the platform on the water. We run after him, but he gets on a boat. Before starting the boat, Roger pushes the brunette into the water. As she's all tied up, she has no chance to get back to the surface. I turn back and Hotch makes me sign that he got everything under control and that I can jump into the water to save the woman. I put my gun away and I dive. I rapidly reach the woman and I manage to untie her hands and feet within a second: the knot wasn't really tight. The woman swims to the surface. I try to follow her, but I notice that I'm stuck. While I was untying the victim, my left foot got stuck between two huge rocks. It might have been easy for my foot to slide in between, but it's obviously not that easy to get it out. I try to take off my boot, but I can't. I decide to use my last strength to swim as fast as I can. However, I feel my ankle cracking and I can't help but scream underwater. All the air that I had left went by in this scream. I try to swim to the surface, but I can't. I feel my lungs burning and my vision becomes fuzzy. I can feel my muscles getting weaker at each second. I finally decide to close my eyes and let me flow into the water...

Aaron Hotchner's POV


I hear a gunshot and a scream from behind me. It's Derek. The Unsub has shot Derek. I turn back to see him. He is holding his arm, telling me that's it's okay.

I don't have any choices, but to shoot Roger.

One bullet and I see him falling on the deck of his boat.

I look around me and I see the victim getting out of the water with difficulty. I kneel down and help her to get on the platform. I hear the ambulances coming. I ask Dave to come and take care of the woman. As the woman gets to the ambulance, I expect that Emily is going to get out of the water soon. But minutes pass and she's not out yet. I start worrying. What's wrong? Why isn't she out yet? What is she doing? The worst scenarios appear in my head. What if she's dead?

I can't let that happen. So without hesitating, I jump into the water. I manage to see her. She delicately moving in synchronization with each wave. I try to pull her out, but I feel a resistance. I quickly notice that her foot is stuck between two huge rocks. I swim to them and, with force, I manage to get her foot out. I can see the blood spreading in the water. I carefully hold her and rush to get out of the water. Once on the platform, I take off her bulletproof vest and I start performing CPR as she's unconscious and her heart isn't beating nor is she breathing. I yell for the EMTs to come and they rush with a stretcher. As they put her on the stretcher, one paramedic is performing CPR, another is giving her oxygen and another is immobilizing her ankle from which you can see the bones: it's obviously broken. I let the paramedics do their job and I walk to Morgan to make sure he is okay. He is sat on the edge of an ambulance and a paramedic is putting a bandage on his arm.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I mean, it hurts. But I'll get by. The EMT told me I will probably need a surgery because the bullet hasn't come out. But that's all."

"You should probably call Savannah to warn her."

"I will, of course."

An EMT makes sign to Derek to get in as he's heading to the hospital. Dave and I get in on SUV, Joy and Callahan get in the other and Reid and Lewis get in the one Reid's came in.

"Blake is waiting for us at the hospital," Spencer declares.

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