Part 71

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Jennifer Jareau's POV

It's been almost three weeks since the last case. Today, we're heading to Canada for a two-week vacation. I'm in the living room, feeding April. Hope and Jaeden are playing with their toys.

"All the bags are in the car," Spence tells me.

"Alright. Emily texted me, she's waiting for us at the airport for 1pm. The only things left to do are packing our go-bags and identifying my wheelchair," I declare as April finishes to drink her milk.

"Do you want me to prepare lunch or do we eat something on our way?" Spence asks, looking at the clock.

"April already ate. So if you want to, we can stop at a McDonald's and take Happy Meals for the twins," I say as I let April play on the floor. "Guys, can you watch your sister as I help daddy? I'm gonna be in the kitchen."

Hope and Jaeden nod. Then, with the help of my arms, I get from the couch to my wheelchair. I push myself to my husband, who's in the kitchen.

"Has Derek made his mind?" I ask.

"About what?"

"Does he wanna come? He told me he wasn't sure since Savannah is already 37 weeks pregnant..."

"Yeah... Um... I think they're gonna come. He didn't tell me otherwise. And you? Do you want me to bring your pills?"

"Why? It's been already two days since I've stopped taken them."

"I know, but I'm scared that with the pressure in the plane, your head's gonna hurt. I mean, it has only been 19 days since your concussion."

"I know... Bring them in case. Also, bring a snack to for the twins and something for April too."

Aaron Hotchner's POV


"Yes, dad?"

"What are you doing?"


I'm in the entrance, finishing packing the bags and I hear a weird noise coming from Oliver's bedroom. I walk to it, knowing there's something going on, not as Oliver told me.

I enter his room and I see it's all messy.


He gets up quickly, surprised by my arrival.

"Oliver! We cleaned up your room yesterday! What's going on?!" I ask, a bit angry.

Oliver walks to me and starts to cry.

"Buddy, what's going on?" I say, calming my voice.

"I'm sorry daddy... I made a mess... I... I'm looking for my superman and I don't find it..."

"Oh, Oliver..."

"Can you help me to find it?"

"Buddy... I would, but I'm kinda in a rush right now with the trip to Canada... Continue to check, and once I'm finished, I'm gonna help you, okay?"


I leave his bedroom and I pass in front of our bedroom. Emily is currently taking a nap with Lindsey. I get in and I give Emily a kiss.

"Honey...," she says, smiling.

"It's almost time to leave," I tell her, kissing her again.

"Are you sure it's still a good idea to leave to Canada? I mean, I could go. Do what we have to do and coming back right after. It will only take a day or two."

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