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I slowly walk to Sadie's crying. How could my mom do that? I thought she loved me! She was always so over protective. I was her only person in her life. My dad died when My mom was still pregnant with me and my sister died with my dad in a car accident. They both where my mom's everything. She loved them more than she loved herself. I guess I was a constant reminder of them she always said I looked exactly like my dad I bet all these years she was always trying to find a reason to throw me away. Those thoughts make everything worse. I start crying harder by the second. I end up right in front of Sadie's seeing her on the steps of her porch, seeing her made my body give up from crying so much.

I collapse in the grass if her front yard. "Millie!" I hear her yell as she runs to me. She holds me in her arms rocking us back and forth grazing my hair. "Princess are you okay?" She ask concern pacing her voice. I smile at the way she called me princess, I look up at her cupping her cheeks I slowly kiss her. She smiles into the sweet kiss, soon we get up and go into her house. "Hey mom can Millie stay here for awhile? Her mom kicked her out" I she slightly yells poking her head into the kitchen "oh your lover girl is here! Let me meet her" her mom says enthusiastically "wait no-" Sadie try's to stop her mom but she's already into the living room examining me while a big smile plays on her lips "oh hunny your beautiful! Millie is it? Well hunny why did your mom kick you out?" She ask in a very fast voice "because I'm gay" she does a pity look pouting her lip out "well hun we accept all in this house!" She pauses then continues "I'm miss sink but you can call me mom! Sadie talks about you all the time, she says y'all are dating so might as well treat my future daughter-n-law-" Sadie interrupts annoyance on her face "moooom you can't say those things" she whines as she takes my arm dragging me into her room "love youuu" her mom says going back into the kitchen.

"Sorry about my mom" she walks me to the bed "I like your mom! She's nice and enthusiastic" I say laying in her bed Sadie chuckles laying next to me snuggling me "get some sleep princess it's been a long day" I smiles warmly drifting into a sleep.

(AN: sucky chapter)

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